第14回 スペイン語シンポジウム - スペインの観光地について話そう!- Turismo en España 
				第14回 スペイン語シンポジウム - スペインの観光地について話そう!- Turismo en España

					영어 심포지엄 비디오 공개! 아래의 비디오를 클릭해 주세요!


Turismo en España

現在スペイン在住のViviana DD先生をゲストに、旅行プランの立て方、そしてスペインの魅力的な4つの都市の見どころを一緒にお話ししていきます。

							영어 심포지엄 비디오 공개! 아래의 비디오를 클릭해 주세요!

2022年7月29日(金)19時〜 (日本時間)

무료 / 50 분


● 강사 / 테마 ●

  • Viviana DD
  • カリキュラム

    1) Introducción: España. スペインについて

    2) ¿Cómo planificar un viaje de turismo en España? スペインの観光プランの立て方

    3) Lo mejor de España. スペインの魅力的な都市を知ろう

  • <LIVE視聴者特典あり!>当日LIVE視聴して、コメントをくださった生徒様の中から抽選で5名様に、Viviana DD講師のレッスンに使える無料チケットをプレゼント!



  • Cafetalk staff Eriko

・・・ 심포지엄 시청방법 ・・・

카페토크 페이지에서 심포지엄 스트리밍을 볼 수 있습니다. 스트리밍 중 채팅창을 이용하여 강사와 소통할 수 있어요!


*심포지엄을 시청하기전 페이지 하단에 있는 주의사항을 읽어 주세요.

마지막 심포지엄

심포지엄 시청에 대한 주의사항

심포지엄을 시청하기 전 다음의 주의사항을 읽고 동의해 주시기 바랍니다.

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  • *The quality of the video and volume of the audio may vary depending on your environment. Please adjust the brightness and volume of your device when watching.
  • *If you are having trouble watching the stream, please try reconnecting your Wifi, changing devices, or moving to a location with better reception.
  • *On the day of the event, we will monitor the stream and if the connection environment of the stream is deemed unsuitable for distribution, or if there is poor connection due to weather or disaster, we will cancel the event.
  • *Recordings will be available for viewing at your pleasure on our official Youtube channel.
  • *Photographing, recording, or sound recording of any kind is not permitted during the stream, regardless of the purpose.
  • *There will be a comment box on the viewing page where you can write your comments during the broadcast. You are welcome to write your supportive messages and impressions.
  • To ensure that everyone can enjoy the experience, please remember to be courteous and civil when making comments. Duplicate entries as well as anything unrelated to the content may be deleted at our discretion.
  • Please also note that participants may choose not to answer questions that are sensitive, political or religious in nature.
  • Any person posting content deemed to be abusive, discriminatory or indecent will be banned immediately and may be subject to subsequent action.
부담없이 질문해 주세요!