3rd Italian Symposium - Italy Travel Report North Edition 3rd Italian Symposium - Italy Travel Report North Edition

bandiera d'Italia

Italy Travel Report Starting in the North

Viaggiare in Italia insieme🎵
Dove si va? Cosa si fa? Che si mangia?


mappa del nord Italia


Arona - Milano - San Marino

  • Km totali percorsi: 412 km
  • Mezzi di trasporto: Auto / Treno
in auto
Arona - Milano 66,9km
Milano - San Marino 344km
in treno
Arona - Milano Centrale
09:36 → 10:35
Durata 59 min (5 fermate)
Milano centrale - San Marino
11:35 → 17:04
Durata 5 ore 29 min, 3 cambi

May 16th (thu), 2024 19:00~ (JST)

免费 / 40 分钟

Italian 20%
Japanese 80%

Directly from Italy, Cafetalk staff members Linko and Yuko will bring the “Charm of Italy” directly to your home!

  • Cafetalk staff Linko
  • Cafetalk staff Yuko

< Benefits for live viewers! >

Lucky winners will be selected from the comments during the live stream. The winners will receive a lesson ticket to take a free lesson with one of the presenting tutors, so don't forget to comment! You can comment or ask questions during the stream or answer the quiz questions. We're looking forward to your comments!

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Towns in Northern Italy to visit

Mayuko. Sa Mayuko. Sa
Lives in Italy and brings Japanese culture to the world. Anyone interested in learning Japanese, try taking lessons from her.
Sandro Santillo Sandro Santillo
Opera director from Milan! Delivering authentic diction lessons that can only be studied with an Italian director!
San Marino (サンマリノ共和国)
Noritalia Noritalia
This tutor has a reputation for her ability to help you pass examinations! If you are struggling with the Italian language, just knock on her door!

Popular lessons by the participating tutors

・・・ 时间一到 ・・・







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