Thailand - A country offering a spectrum of scenery from quaint farming villages to luxurious beach resorts and sprawling modern skyscapes.
With great tourist destinations and exciting business opportunities, more and more people are finding reasons to visit this amazing nation.
If you're one of those people why not make the make the most of it by learning a little Thai before your visit!
Even if you are absolute beginner, Cafetalk will support you with free counseling
so you can start with no worries!
Melissa Thai
タイ語を勉強始めたい人向けのレッスンです。タイ語の知識がゼロからでも大丈夫です。 4つのスキルを習得します。 ・話す・聞く・書く(44の子音字と母音符号)・読む それに、 ・単語 ...
60 Min / 21,000
Melissa Thai
25 Min / 1,200
Hey there! I’m a Thai who’s lived in Korea for 12 years, and I even taught Thai at a university in ...
25 Min / 1,000
The lessons will cover the four basic skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening. I will te...
30 Min / 2,500
In this class, we will have fun speaking in Lao/Thai language. The goal of this class is to help y...
30 Min / 1,000
90 Min / 2,000
Melissa Thai
私は毎日必ず15分朝か晩に瞑想します。瞑想するのは、集中力がアップして頭と体がリラックス出来るからです。毎日自分を愛する方法の一つです。 タイ語を聞きながら瞑想しましょう。 タイ語での瞑想指導します...
20 Min / 600
Ling Chadawan
タイ国語会話、聞き取り、文法、単語を自分に合うレベルで学ぶことができる時間です。This lesson will cover a variety of areas for intermediate ...
60 Min / 2,000
25 Min / 1,200
Top images are a derivative of "James Bond Island" by Joan Campderrós-i-Canas used under CC BY 2.0.