Special lesson on festivals in the UK イギリスの祭日特別レッスン
Today in the UK it is "Pancake Day".今日はイギリスでは「パンケーキの日」です。How much do you know about festivals in th...
Vicky B
6-Minute English - おすすめポッドキャスト RECOMMENDED PODCAST
BBCの英語学習サイトからのポッドキャストです A podcast from the BBC’s English Learning websitehttps://www.bbc.co.uk/lear...
Vicky B
Asking permission in English 英語で許可を求める方法
Do you know how to ask permission in English? 英語で許可を求める方法を知っていますか? Many textbooks teach these phras...
Vicky B
Watch BBC documentary videos to improve your English comprehension - BBCのドキュメンタリービデオを見て英語の理解力を高める
https://www.bbc.com/reel/ BBC Reel is a collection of short documentary videos from the BBC about v...
Vicky B
Making requests politely in English 英語で丁寧に依頼をする
English textbooks don’t often have much information on making requests, which is a shame because ma...
Vicky B
English articles about Japan ー Japan Today
https://japantoday.com Reading news in English is a great way to practice your English skills and k...
Vicky B
Saying the Date in British English and American English
How do you say the date in English? 日付は英語でどう言う?It depends on the country...国によって違いがあるんです…American s...
Vicky B
https://www.ted.com/talksThe internationally famous TED Talks are speeches given by experts to audi...
Vicky B
Saying the year in English 英語で年の読み方
Saying the year in English 英語で年の読み方 2025 上記の年は英語で何と言うのでしょうか? “Twenty-twenty-five”? “Two thousand an...
Vicky B
英語学習者向記事とビデオ Articles and Videos for studying English - Voice of America Learning English website
https://learningenglish.voanews.com 英語学習者向けに作られた記事とビデオのウェブサイト A website of articles and videos de...
Vicky B
Christmas Lesson クリスマスの特別レッスン - Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean! ミスター・ビーン、メリー・クリスマス!
Celebrate Christmas with Mr. Bean! ミスター・ビーンと一緒にクリスマスを祝おう Like most people in the U.K., Mr. Bean l...
Vicky B
Business English: Saying email addresses and phone numbers メールアドレスと電話番号の読み方
image: PxhereIn business phone calls you will often have to give your email address and phone numbe...
Vicky B
英語学習者向けビデオ - “BBC News Review”
https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/course/newsreview-2024 英語のリスニング・スキルを向上させるには、ビデオを見るの...
Vicky B
Business English: Taking and leaving messages on the phone ビジネスの英語 - 電話で伝言を受け、残す
image credit: https://pixabay.com/users/elf-moondance-19728901/ Have you ever spoken on the phone i...
Vicky B
英語学習者向記事 ー Breaking News English
https://breakingnewsenglish.com Reading news articles is a great way to increase your English s...
Vicky B
Watch BBC documentary videos to improve your English comprehension - BBCのドキュメンタリービデオを見て英語の理解力を高める
https://www.bbc.com/reel/ BBC Reel is a collection of short documentary videos from the BBC about v...
Vicky B
ビジネス英語レッスン:電話応対 Business Telephone Conversation Lesson
Photo by Moose Photos: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-wearing-brown-suit-jacket-mocking-on-white-...
Vicky B
English articles about Japan ー Japan Today
https://japantoday.com Reading news in English is a great way to practice your English skills and k...
Vicky B
Asking permission in English 英語で許可を求める方法
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay Do you know how to ask permission in English? 英語で許可を求める方法を知っていますか? Man...
Vicky B
https://www.ted.com/talks The internationally famous TED Talks are speeches given by experts to a...
Vicky B
Giving Your Opinion in English 英語で意見を述べる方法
image: Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay In English it’s important to give your opinion clearly a...
Vicky B
Saying long numbers in English 長い数字を英語で読む方法
Image by Ahmad Ardity from PixabaySaying long numbers in English can be difficult. 長い数字を英語で読むのは難しい...
Vicky B
BBC News Review - videos to learn topical phrases 話題のフレーズを学ぶビデオ
https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/course/newsreview-2024 The BBC has a lot of resources...
Vicky B
Photo by DS stories: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-a-black-stapler-6991328/ なぜそれが間...
Vicky B
Photo by Kampus Production, PexelsPHRASAL VERB: to drop off1) As a transitive verb (with an object)...
Vicky B
image: pxhere (no attribution required)なぜそれが間違いなのか “Skill”(「スキル」)は名詞であり、動詞ではありません。 例えば、こんな感じです ...
Vicky B
Image: Mohamed Hassan, pxhere Phrasal verb: to take off [intransitive verb - no object] 1) To...
Vicky B
image: pxhere (no attribution required) なぜそれが間違いなのか “Fight” は「けんか」という意味なので、誰かに “fight!”と言うのは他の人に喧嘩を...
Vicky B
PHRASAL VERB: to kick (something) off
Image by Simona Robová from PixabayMeaning: To start or begin something (usually an event or activi...
Vicky B
PHRASAL VERB: To put (something) off
Image by Myriams-Fotos from PixabayPhrasal verb: to put (something) off Meaning: To postpone or del...
Vicky B