がんばれ - Per tutti gli studenti che faranno l'esame di Italiano domani
A tutti gli studenti di lingua Italiana che domani faranno la prova di lingua, vorrei agurarvi buon...
Clizia Mondini
Minimalist Traveling ( Learn travel related vocabulary )
When it comes to travel, we all pack differently. I still remember the old days when I was a teen, ...
Clizia Mondini
Impariamo l'italiano - Hot Pot
In questo articolo impareremo nuove parole in Italiano dedicate al mangiare. Ho festeggiato i miei ...
Clizia Mondini
YouTube Channels to Help You Improve Your English Listening and Vocabulary
YouTube is a powerful tool for practicing English. With my most advanced students, I sometimes use ...
Clizia Mondini
La cosa che preferisco di piu` al mondo - VIAGGIARE
Ho iniziato a viaggiare da sola all'eta` di 18 anni. Negli ultimi 18 anni ho viaggiato in piu` di 3...
Clizia Mondini
My beloved Dr. Seuss (Readings for ESL Learners)
One of the best ways to practice English is by reading. Reading as an ESL Learner can be quite ...
Clizia Mondini
Il castello piu` antico del Giappone, Bitchu-Matsuyama.
A settembre 2023 durante il mio periodo di backpacking in Giappone ho visitato il castello di Bitch...
Clizia Mondini
A Great Trip Starts with the Perfect Itinerary
From August to November 2023 I ventured on a long trip around Japan. I spent the first 2.5 months ...
Clizia Mondini
Today, I’d like to share with you my latest travel experience and a Solo Female Backpacker. I love ...
Clizia Mondini
In questo articolo impareremo nuove parole in Italiano dedicate al viaggio e al campeggio. L'anno ...
Clizia Mondini
In this post you will learn some camping and traveling related vocabulary. Last year I visited Ul...
Clizia Mondini
Have you ever taken a Daily News lesson?
I am a language student myself, and I am in love with ‘Daily News' lessons. I won’t lie, at the beg...
Clizia Mondini
Blue, bluish and shades of blue
Happy New Year lovely students, I have been pretty busy lately and I have not enough time to write ...
Clizia Mondini
On the december 1st 2014 I left Italy for my second time, I started a journey which would change my...
Clizia Mondini
Parole in italiano - Video diario - SENTOSA Singapore
A Maggio/Giugno 2022 sono stata a Singapore e Malesia per 29 giorni. Adoro filmare tutte le mie avv...
Clizia Mondini
Dear students, have you had the chance to travel this year? After two years of travel restrictions ...
Clizia Mondini
I’ve recently come back from a long vacation period in which I was traveling around Australia by ca...
Clizia Mondini
What does PSL stand for? PSL is short for Pumpkin Spice Latte, a coffee-based drink. The latte is ...
Clizia Mondini
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (IPA: suːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒəlˌɪstɪkˌɛkspiːˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs ) What a word!...
Clizia Mondini
I completed 100 lessons on Cafetalk!
Achivement The process or fact of achieving something. "the achievement of professional recognitio...
Clizia Mondini
Tasmania is an island state, about 150 miles (240 km) south of the state of Victoria. Before the pa...
Clizia Mondini
Come si chiama 'Daruma-san ga koronda' in Italiano?
"Daruma-san ga koronda" o "Statues" in nord america e` un gioco amato dai bambini di tutto il mondo...
Clizia Mondini
Oggi voglio parlarvi della mia pizza preferita, la pizza con le patatine! Probabilmente molti Itali...
Clizia Mondini
The best walk in Singapore - TreeTop Walk
Whether you enjoy working out indoors at the gym or outdoors, we all agree that being active and he...
Clizia Mondini
I traveled in Singapore and Malaysia for 29 days days during May-June 2022. I spent the majority of...
Clizia Mondini