Reading aloud is the best way to practice Japanese! 音読は語学学習でもっとも効果的な方法
hello everyone! I'm Shoko, a Japanese teacher! To everyone studying languages, Do you read out lo...
Award Winning Meditation Masterclass
Unlock Peace and Focus with My Award-Winning Meditation Masterclass – Now Available Anytime! Re...
Lewis B
5 Effective Study Habit for Leaner【5つの学習(がくしゅう)習慣(しゅうかん)】
Hello, everyone. Japan is still a scorching day. So...I wonder when will be coming to Autumn...みなさん...
Watch BBC documentary videos to improve your English comprehension - BBCのドキュメンタリービデオを見て英語の理解力を高める BBC Reel is a collection of short documentary videos from the BBC about v...
Vicky B
The modern version of the Hindi language did not emerge until the end of the 18th century, and it w...
Vikas V
5 Effective study habits for learners
1. ListeningListening is art and if you are master in it, surely you are going to be a great speake...
Teacher DORIAN
The word “slider” is sometimes used in Japan to refer to a long, smooth structure that one can slid...
Zach McLaughlin
【中文在下方】 9月18日に日本語シンポジウムに参加します! 今回のテーマは日本の神道や神社です。 日本の神道や神社について、全然分からなくても大丈夫です。 皆さんで楽しく話しましょう! 無料の...
60 Minutes After Touching the Shamisen for the First Time
Please make use of the lesson plans on Cafetalk to effectively take advantage of online learning! ...
JACK Shamisenist
Today, I have been thinking about how to express certain constructions and with that grammar struct...
Boost Your Brainpower: 5 Essential Study Habits for Students
Developing effective study habits is crucial for learners to maximise their academic potential and ...
Wendy E
This week, we’re diving into an article that plays with the phrase "Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen," ...
Overcoming Study Challenges: 5 Simple Effective Study Habits For Students
Studying can often feel overwhelming, especially when faced with a mountain of textbooks and loomin...
Simone Smith
Fall into Remembrance (embracing endings and new beginnings)
For much of our lives, Autumn has vied affection for many. Bold colours, inviting scents , majestic...
Ayesha M
1.朗讀要全神貫注 學習外語朗讀是很重要的練習,不光只是讀還要刻意專注地讀把每個字都清楚有自信地唸出來。 以前都是隨便念的感覺,我試著全神貫注大聲念以後發現效果很好。 読み上げには集中力が必要 外...
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
Language learning now and then - what changed?
I was diving into the fascinating story of young 諭吉(1835-1901) and his incredible journey to master...
My favourite season has always been fall. In Ontario, there are many things I like to do every fall...
Autumn days are my happy days: My top 5 fun activities
Autumn is hands down my favorite season of the year! There's something so magical about the crisp a...
Embracing Autumn Despite the Heat (Plus Book and Movie Recs)
I understand that in some regions in Japan, and other parts of the world as well, the weather is st...
Ray Roshdy
Fall into Fun: The Top 5 Autumn Activities to Enjoy
As the vibrant colours of summer fade into the golden hues of autumn, it's the perfect time to embr...
Wendy E
The Hindi language is a direct descendant of Sanskrit and dates back to 769 AD. The language gained...
Vikas V
هل أعمال بني آدم قابلة لنفخ الروح فيها ؟
Do we breath the soul into our actions....?
My Top 5 fun activities for Autumn
Hello, everyone. This is Keiko.Kei. I'm a new Japanese teacher.What's your Top 5 fun activities for...
ビジネス英語レッスン:電話応対 Business Telephone Conversation Lesson
Photo by Moose Photos:
Vicky B
The Hindi language is widely regarded as the language of India. Despite the country having 22 offic...
Vikas V
IELTS Writing Correction Service - offline
Hi there, I'd like to introduce my IELTS Writing Correction Service for those of you who would like...
Mark Roy
Hooping on balkony in Turkey^^
Welcome to my Hooping lesson
Alla Yoo
My Top 5 Fun Activities for Autumn
September is here, and the sky is once again a clear, deep blue, losing the haze of summer. Now the...
Charlotte A
Thank you for wathing the video all the way until the end! If you’re interested in learning this ...
JACK Shamisenist
Hello! I'm Muu, a Japanse language teacher. It's September. How are you doing? It's still hot in ...