Business English: Saying email addresses and phone numbers メールアドレスと電話番号の読み方
image: PxhereIn business phone calls you will often have to give your email address and phone numbe...
Vicky B
Talking about your favourite things in English
The weekly column topic is Your favorite place on Earth! this week, so today I’d like to share some...
Zach McLaughlin
文法の投稿シリーズ19 - anpassen an / according to, tailored to / に合わせて
In situations, where we want to express, that something is adjusted to match or correspond somethin...
The force of gravity and the force of consciousness
What is the role of the Mesocosm, which is the link between the macrocosm and the microcosm...?
How to Start Remote Earning as a Digital Nomad: Your Blueprint to Freedom
Have you ever dreamed of working from a beach in Bali, a café in Paris, or a cozy cabin in ...
Why do I live and teach IELTS in Japan?
So why have I been living in Japan and teaching IELTS for over 25 years? A simple answer is, I'd al...
Mark Feeley
Start 2025 with Balance and Success!
As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, the challenges we...
Alison Illanes
Quick tips: should have vs. should of
Have you ever come across a sentence such as “They should of fired the coach” or “I should of known...
Zach McLaughlin
文法の投稿シリーズ18 - sollte, müßte / ought to / べきだ、はずだ
An interesting aspect arises when we look at how "ought to" is used in English. "Ought to" is appli...
How do you say "SHINKANSEN" in English?
The Japanese Shinkansen is famous all over the world. How can we say it in English?
John Nanakamado
My Favorite Place in the World: Prince Edward Island Everyone has a place that holds a special plac...
Chie W
Understanding Safety in South Africa: Tips for Traveling Safely
South Africa is a country with beautiful landscapes and vibrant cultures. However, like any country...
Amber Rae
800 thank-yous for taking my lessons
I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I sit down to write this essay, as I have recently reached a sig...
Wendy E
文法の投稿シリーズ17 - aber, jedoch / but, however / でも、しかし、ところが
What I find fascinating is that Japanese is very specific about many things like situation, context...
Need help achieving your target score in the IELTS exam?
Living close to the mountains in Hinohara, in the West of Tokyo, is one of the things which has kep...
Mark Feeley
Ivermectin, the Japanese Wonder Drug
Ivermectin, a drug commonly used to treat parasitic infections in humans and animals, has been foun...
Wendy E
文法の投稿シリーズ17 - ... nicht leisten zu .../ Can't affort to / てはいられない
"I have no time left. I can't affort to do it now."Would correspond to using the "ich kann es mir n...
FINAL WEEK: New Themed Lessons and Coupons
Hello all, we are in the final week of my 100% off coupons so if you wanted to try any of my newly ...
Gin Rosse
文法の投稿シリーズ16 - Aspekt, Punkt / refers to / 点
I personnally like to use, in this respect in English like in "In this respect, we need to take fur...
Citric Acid is Actually Black Mould
Many people believe when they're buying a packet of citric acid from the supermarket, that it is de...
Wendy E
Should feeding wild animals be illegal?
For many years I have enjoyed feeding peanuts to the squirrels during my visits to local parks and ...
Zach McLaughlin
文法の投稿シリーズ15 - such as / ... wie ... / といった
Have you ever wondered if we can directly express grammar structures like "such as" in German as we...
Hi all, I wanted to write a quick note to celebrate the good news I received today. I ranked SECOND...
Gin Rosse
文法の投稿シリーズ14 - stattdessen / 却って
Let's review the grammar for instead or "stattdessen"."Ich habe Medizin genommen, aber stattdessen ...
Let's talk about musical theatre
I’ve always loved musicals. When I was in junior school, I used to run across the playing field, pr...
Alison T.
Unlock Your Ultimate Potential: The Martial Mindset 7-Week Transformation
Unlock Your Ultimate Potential: The Martial Mindset 7-Week Transformation Are you ready to shatte...
Lewis B
Escape the Frost with These Cosy Winter Reading Picks
As the winter months approach and the weather gets colder, for some, there is nothing better than s...
Wendy E
Curling Up with The Famous Five
I started reading Enid Blyton's books when I was in 4th grade Primary School. Physically, I was cur...
Why I am growing coriander at home
Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a herb that is widely known for its detoxifying properties. T...
Wendy E
5 Books to Bridge the Spooky and Festive Seasons
November is such an interesting month, bridging the spooky vibes of Halloween and the festive warm...
Ray Roshdy