Back home in Canada, I am very passionate about decorating my home with Halloween decroations insid...
Mia A
Effective Strategies to Use when Reading News Articles to Improve your English Skills
Unlocking the potential of news articles as a means to boost your English proficiency requires a st...
Hi everyone!For all of October, I am offering a 20% discount off all my class types for any new stu...
Mark Roy
Talking about ghosts in English
Different types of ghosts Halloween is fast approaching, so today I’d like to introduce some diffe...
Zach McLaughlin
A brief review and summary of the book by Douglas Emlen.
Hello everyone, Read the summary of the book by Douglas Emlen posted in this forum blog. Dough is...
このコラムを読んで下さっている皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。今日は英文法についてのコラムです。I gave a present to her.I sent an email to him.I ...
Rie O.E
The Transformative Power of Journaling and Writing Homework
In a world constantly buzzing with digital distractions and information overload, the act of puttin...
Lewis B
Australian phrases and words that young people actually use.
Hello,You may remember from other columns that I am married to an Australian.She laughs at a lot of...
Dan H
This time, I feel I absorutely say that we must not accept what's going on, wars around the world ...
horii mitsuru
Photo byJenny Kalahar onUnsplash While I love autumn decor of all kinds, I make an effort to use n...
Zach McLaughlin
IELTS Writing Tips for IELTS Writing Success
As an IELTS Writing teacher, I understand that mastering writing can sometimes be a challenge. Here...
TEDトーク (TED Talks)のビデオのレッスン ー 25分 The internationally famous TED Talks are speeches given by experts to a...
Vicky B
Trip report: Phu Prabhat Historical Park, Udon Thani, Thailand
Hi everyone, I just thought I'd post a quick trip report about a very special place I visited last ...
Mark Roy
Learn about YOU (English -- Hindi -- Tamil -- Telugu)
Learn 4 languages in 1 video.
Working at a chocolate shop: Part 2
In Part 1, I introduced SOMA, a chocolatemaker in Toronto. But what is it actually like to work the...
Zach McLaughlin
Autumn decor ideas : BOHO DÉCOR
I'm a huge admirer of bohemian home decor. It gives me cozy and comfy vibes, and when I think of ...
Israël… The Jewish should know who their real enemy is.....1/3
Trepanning….. This surgical-brainwashing procedure will make you holly, you and your progeny….don’t...
The Art of Small Talk: Mastering English Conversations in Social Settings
Small talk, that seemingly inconsequential chatter about the weather or weekend plans, is a social ...
Lewis B
Is there a treat from your childhood days that fills you with plenty of good memories? Mine is this...
T Mun Yee
Working at a chocolate shop: Part 1
As some of you may know, my wife is the manager of a chocolate shop in Toronto called SOMA, and I a...
Zach McLaughlin
Fall flavours - verb and preposition quiz
Hello!Knowing which preposition to put with a verb can be one of the most challenging but importan...
Dan H
Stoicism and Leadership: Harnessing Ancient Wisdom for Modern Success
In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, there exists a timeless philosophy that continues to ...
Lewis B
It is absolutely true we have ever been producing miracle results to do a little repeat things. T...
horii mitsuru
Autumn vs fall: Is there a difference? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “Both are used...
Zach McLaughlin
It's that magical time of year when the leaves change color, the air turns crisp, and the aroma of ...
Hello everyone! The move is finally (sort of) finished! We are still waiting for our furniture and ...
Kelly Hartnett
My FALL getaway [ with useful phrases]
Well technically, we don't have fall here in Malaysia. It's hot all year round. However, my husband...
Dhynna ダイアナ
Navigating English-Speaking Countries with Confidence: A Traveler's Guide
Are you planning a trip to an English-speaking country? Traveling can be an exhilarating adventure,...
Lewis B