Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with Yishu. Do you want to learn a new phrase? Don't hesi...
Yishu H.
Have you ever heard anyone saying, "it's a dog's dinner"? This phrase means that something is a com...
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. have you heard everyone talking about quie...
Yishu H.
Quick tips: there is vs. there are
Most people learn about the “be” verb and how to use “there is” and “there are” from the very begin...
Zach McLaughlin
Did you know there's a country with 3 presidents? and 3 official languages?
Bosnian language - a language to use in 7 countries.B/C/S or Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language...
Isco Sensei
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. My friend has brought me a present, a new ...
Yishu H.
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. There's an English phrase to descirbe some...
Yishu H.
!! Announcement!! GROUP SESSION
If you're someone who feels that learning with a partner best suits you, I have some good news for ...
Tutor Mercy
Tell me something new that you plan on doing in 2023.
I guess this is somewhat akin to explaining my new year resolutions. Most people fail to carry o...
Stephen Brivati
ChatGPT: The hot topic in AI these days
Since the beginning of 2023, one app has been taking over headlines and generating lots of buzz - C...
Zach McLaughlin
What do you do when you feel bored?
Hello, and welcome to Speak Good English with Yishu. Now, our piece of authentic real English for t...
Yishu H.
Do you know how to say 春節 and ウサギ年 in English? もし興味があったら、動画を見てみてください。
John Nanakamado
Chinese New Year Versus Lunar New Year
[Short greetings] Before anything else, Happy Lunar New Year to all my readers. I wish you all the ...
Henri M
Are video games good for learning English?
Video games are a part of everyday life for both children and adults. People play them because they...
The wonder of beesOne of the first coins in the world had a bee symbol on it. There are live enzyme...
Please don't spill the bottle in this photo! There are many food idioms in English, and one common ...
Hello, and welcome to Speak Good English with Yishu. Are you ready to learn today's phrase with me?...
Yishu H.
حُبِّبَ إليَّ من دنياكم ثلاث، النساء والطِّيب وجُعِلت قُرَّة عيني في الصلاة
Berserk (ベルセルク) - A dark fantasy manga
Berserk (ベルセルク) is an ongoing Japanese manga written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura (三浦 建太郎) wh...
Andrei P
Ten Books That Influenced My Life
I believe in being a "student for life” and am committed to continuous learning and self-improvemen...
There's an English phrase to describe one's good financial situation. Hello and welcome to Speak G...
Yishu H.
My All Time Top 10 Favorite Movies
Here are my top 10 all-time favorite movies. These movies are captivating and entertaining but also...
There's an English phrase to describe a state of high emotion, and because it's got the word 'pitch...
Yishu H.
Hello!My name is Kenichi Kobayashi.I became a tutor from January. Call me “KOBA”. Graduated from...
What movie or book influenced you the most in your life?
For most of my life, I only picked up fiction books to read for enjoyment, but through friends, fam...
Zach McLaughlin
Everyone wants to 'win hands down'!
There's an English phrase to descirbe winning easily. If we say someone will 'win hands down' it me...
Yishu H.
Princess Diana…… When a progeny sadly becomes a GI
Princess Diana A noble woman who travelled the world to give life to people; through her tragic dea...
Why Are Australian Animals So Resilient? Fun Facts...
Kangaroos can't move backwards, and adult kangaroos can live for months without drinking anything ...
Wendy E
Today, we're learning the expression 'dog's dinner'. It’s an informal British phrase that is often ...
Yishu H.
Blue, bluish and shades of blue
Happy New Year lovely students, I have been pretty busy lately and I have not enough time to write ...
Clizia Mondini