Hello, friends! I'd like to introduce my English lessons and my teaching style. I've been teachin...
Emanuel T
What book has influenced me the most?
What book has influenced me the most in my life? If you had asked me this question a year ago it wo...
Stephen Brivati
Happy New Year!! It’s been several months since I started Cafetalk lessons. I’d like to meet more...
Yuko Fukushima
Go Down Moses Go down MosesWay down in egypt landTell all Pharaoes toLet My People Go! When Israel ...
Quick tips: less vs. fewer If you have studied English grammar, you probably know that the word “f...
Zach McLaughlin
最近、イギリスのスーパーのサラダで、これ他のサラダより美味しいなぁと食べていると、あれ?この葉っぱどこかで見たような。。。とパッケージをみるとMizunaと記載されているではないですか!!! 日本に...
Make your past stories in English more interesting
"At school I often played football" は完ぺきな英語だけど、ちょっとつまらない英語!他の面白い英語を使た方がいい!もし興味があったら、動画を見てみてください。
John Nanakamado
Random Question Generator for ESL Students
My first blog for the year and my very first article here on Tutor's Column is something that I wou...
Henri M
Photo byMadison Oren onUnsplash I recently read an interesting article on CNBC about why Finland i...
Zach McLaughlin
Turku, located in southwestern Finland, is a city rich in history and culture. Founded in the 13th ...
Exploring San Francisco Through Music
San Francisco is a great place to live because of its beautiful scenery, vibrant culture, and great...
Ashley Christina
Hello! I hope you had a great start in 2023! This is my entry for this week's topic. ^^I live in Qu...
Jane M.
Many students feel nervous, but also excited about taking English lessons. In English we have an ex...
John Nanakamado
The Secret Trick To Achieving Great Health......
Make it simple!If you rely on the weather being good to go for a run, having free time to get to ex...
I live in Toronto, Canada, which is the capital city of the province of Ontario (but not the capita...
Zach McLaughlin
Hello Everyone ! Here is an update blog of our break --Christmas Dec 23-24 -- we had my mother in l...
Have you dreamed of, or even thought of working in Finland? It is not a surprise! Finland is often ...
To all Japanese language learners!
Happy New Year!! It’s been several months since I started Cafetalk lessons. I’d like to meet more ...
Yuko Fukushima
I‘m currently living in central Kyoto, so it is easy for me to get anywhere in Kyoto. My two favori...
John Nanakamado
Where are you currently living? I thought this was a slightly strange question in some ways. There ...
Stephen Brivati
In 2023 I heard a lot of words that we often don't use on an everyday basis (at least for me), so I...
Tutor Tyra
Photo byvadim kaipov onUnsplash The word “hobby” is very common and it seems to represent a very s...
Zach McLaughlin
Hello Dear Students!I hope your New Year is going on great! There's been some important things goin...
Tutor Mercy
In the past, I have posted long “Talking about… in English” columns, but this year I would also lik...
Zach McLaughlin
Happy New Year everyone !I wish you all the best for 2023 !I suppose that like me you have a long l...
New Year Resolution at Learning a World Language
One of my new year resolutions is go kayaking or paddle boarding every weekend and take a short lan...
Hikaru Yang
I have started my Cafetalk journey in 2013 and since then i became the first Turkish teacher on th...
Momo Sensei
Talking about looking back/ahead in English
With the start of the new year, you may be looking back on 2022 as well as looking ahead to 2023, s...
Zach McLaughlin
Ho raggiunto un obbiettivo importante su Cafetalk. Ne sono molto orgogliosa. I reached an importa...
Laurin N.
Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます! Above is an image a student drew of me and my cat pulling ...
Vicky B