Hi all,I got the opportunity to temporarily live in Edinburgh this summer, and I was blown away! Th...
World Teachers Day - October 5 2022
Today we celebrate all the hard-working teachers out there. Which ever form you teach, in person or...
Why is dreaming useful? Each of us has dreams, but many believe that spending time "building castle...
Svitlana Deikalo
Routine can get boring. It could make you feel less imaginative , less creative.The same goes with ...
Do you want to talk about movies or novels in English? In this video I introduce some great express...
John Nanakamado
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (IPA: suːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒəlˌɪstɪkˌɛkspiːˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs ) What a word!...
Clizia Mondini
A word in your native language that you find difficult to pronounce
A word in your native language that you find difficult to pronounce The Ukrainian language is extr...
Svitlana Deikalo
Like many British people, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, for me. It sets me up fo...
John Nanakamado
Sometimes it is the little words that give us the biggest headaches! Words like a, an, the are eas...
Jemima Burke
A word in my native language I find difficult to pronounce.
To be honest, I can really bring anything to mind at this time in the morning. However, the topic...
Stephen Brivati
Although I cannot say that I struggle in general there's one word that is quite tricky. 'Valnalella...
Tutor Mercy
This is the title of the song, I would play on repeat. "What a Wonderful World" by Loius Armstrong...
English Broadcasting below:https://stand.fm/episodes/6338141c9f9938126b620f72Today, I'm going to th...
Teacher Asuka
直訳すると"Second brew(of tea)"なのですが、英語圏でお茶以外に対して二番煎じの意味合いで"Second brew"と使われるのは珍しいです。(イギリスであれば東亜圏ほどではなくと...
Kenneth Feldman
Jesus Christ........The risque of a self-crucifixion
When the emotions become institutionalized..... Q: We have a record of Jesus Christ coming back and...
As soon as I woke up this morning, I received a notification on my phone. I have been included in t...
Tutor Mercy
Morning everyone! This's Yishu. If you've read my previous articles, you'd known that I am an avid ...
Yishu H.
I spend 18 years of my life in Italy and I probably know more Italian songs than French songs. I kn...
As many of you may have heard, Fort Myers, Florida, where I live suffered a devastating hurricane. ...
Greg R
Every trip to the mountain is a small life
Mountains are a disease. Try it once and you won't be able to forget these feelings. That's why all...
Svitlana Deikalo
Covid might have changed people’s personalities....
I read this article on Guardian that I'd like to share with you. The following is an excerpt. You c...
Yishu H.
Hello, everyone!It's been over 3 months past since I started my lessons as a Cafetalk tutor.Recentl...
Yuko Fukushima
Verbal Communication At The Workplace
Although conversations at the workplace do involve casual conversations with colleagues, verbal com...
One of my favourite songs is by a Filipino-Canadian artist named Resflo. The song is called Hindi N...
Nadine Flores
The song I would play on repeat is "It's my life" by the American rock band, Bon Jovi. The song is ...
John Nanakamado
I completed 100 lessons on Cafetalk!
Achivement The process or fact of achieving something. "the achievement of professional recognitio...
Clizia Mondini
A song that you would play on repeat
A song that you would play on repeat I really like to sing. I like to sing English and Russian song...
Svitlana Deikalo
I found a PERFECT material for SPOKEN English learning!
目玉焼きには塩胡椒ですか?しょうゆですか?How do you like you fried eggs? With salt and pepper or soy sauce? 深夜0時から朝7時...
Yishu H.
Sometimes students have problems with the verbs "arrive" and "depart", when talking about trains, b...
John Nanakamado
I think I am going to be a little sneaky about this topic. Honestly speaking, I do not really have ...
Stephen Brivati