Where do English words come from? (part 1)
An interesting thing about the English language is that it is constantly evolving. English is an...
Charlotte A
Earth Day And The Detrimental Impact Of Man-Made Climate Change (Geoengineering)
Ah, Earth Day, the one day a year when we all collectively pretend to care about Mother Earth a lit...
Wendy E
Now that the weather is becoming milder, it is a good time to get out of doors and admire the diffe...
There are many ways to use "keen" in English. Watch the above video to learn about three of them.
John Nanakamado
(Image by 巻(Maki) from Pixabay)なぜそれが間違いなのか この日本語は英語の “salary” と “man” から来ています。しかし、英語ではとても奇妙に聞こえます。 ...
Vicky B
Today is April 23rd, an important day in British culture. Many people still celebrate Saint George’...
Charlotte A
Aussie Slang: The Cultural Heritage Of Australia
Imagine you're at the local pub, having a yarn with your mates. Before you know it, 'no dramas' and...
Wendy E
下個週末是奶奶60歲的生日,我們全家在討論怎麼幫奶奶慶祝。 奶奶平常最愛喝藥膳雞湯也愛吃台灣的鹹酥雞,所以我們決定晚餐吃這些。 飯後會準備一個生日蛋糕,奶奶平常喜歡吃黑巧克力,所以我們決定買一個巧...
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
Embracing our Earth on Earth Day
Earth Day, observed annually on April 22nd, is a significant moment in the global effort to protect...
Today is Earth Day, a day when all over the world, people are taking the time to appreciate this ...
Charlotte A
Maximize Your English Learning Journey with Effective In-Class and Self-Study Practices
Let us look at what it takes to supercharge your English learning journey both inside and outside ...
Earth Day is a day on which we should think about our home, planet Earth. We should always consider...
Amy Jost
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated globally to demonstrate support for environmental protectio...
Writing Your Reflections After Classes
Writing after a speaking class can help to reinforce language by enabling you to apply vocabulary y...
Hello wonderful people! My clients often ask me 'how can I overcome my level plateau and upscale...
Tongue twisters ~ the fun way to master pronunciation
Let's practice tongue twisters for speech clarity. Tongue twisters are fantastic for improving spee...
Parkhi jain
How To Learn English Grammar While Having Fun?
Learning English grammar can often feel like a daunting task, but one fun and engaging way to impro...
Wendy E
Nature's helpers: Honey and Peppermint
Allergies can make a nice day not so nice, but there's hope in two natural helpers: honey and peppe...
Ms Judy
We Are All Connected Through Stories
Happy Springtime, everyone! Here in Europe the wildflowers are blooming, the birds are singing and ...
Charlotte A
Navigating Allergy Season: A Survival Guide
Allergy season can be a challenging time for many individuals, as sneezing, congestion, and itchy e...
Wendy E
Do you have any tips for allergy season?
TIPS FOR THE PREVENTION OF SEASONAL ALLERGY With the arrival of spring and the flowering of trees a...
Svitlana Deikalo
The new range of free talk lessons is now live with better quality, new content, and optional 5-min...
学校に関する句動詞 Phrasal Verbs related to school
(Image-Kris from Pixabay)1) Catch up - reach the same level of progress as others, especially after...
Vicky B
Embrace the Diversity of English: Accents and Dialects
Hey there, language enthusiasts! Let's delve deeper into the fascinating realm of English accents a...
Parkhi jain
The lyrics (歌詞) of songs can be great for studying English, they are full of interesting vocab, idi...
John Nanakamado
Writing A Story Plot From A Simple Idea
Writing a captivating story plot is essential for creating a compelling narrative that keeps reader...
Wendy E
Navigating Relationships with Narcissists: Strategies for Self-Preservation
Navigating relationships with narcissists can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you ca...
Parkhi jain
Natural Medicine for Hay Fever
Natural Medicine for Hay Fever: Harnessing Traditional Wisdom As spring blossoms and nature awake...