Idioms and Phrases relating to sleep patterns. Upper intermediate Listening Comprehension.
Good morning from Europe everyone. Are you finding settling back into a good sleep pattern for work...
My Cafetalk highlights of 2023
2023 was my first year at Cafetalk and I have enjoyed every moment.It's hard to pick out just one m...
Dan H
It's very cold here in the UK, but nothing quite wakes you up and energises you more than a walk al...
After 39 years of teaching English online, and in person, and in 6 countries, I joined Cafetalk as ...
Amy Jost
Start Journal Writing this New Year
In the fast-paced world we live in, finding the time for dedicated language lessons can be challeng...
"Surrounded by idiots" Part 2. Includes audiobook link and shorter video link.
I have finished reading this very interesting and supportive book on communication. I have added a ...
I have just launched my new package to provide tutorial lessons as an English Language study mentor...
New Year, New Skills: Japanese art
I visited Japan in April, 2O23. Since that trip, I got fascinated with Japan and started to learn J...
Elza B
Be Happy and be Healthy in 2024!It is said that the first step to creating positive change is 'know...
"Surrounded by Idiots" Part 1, Improving communication skills.
This year my main goal is to improve my Spanish however I also feel I could improve my communicatio...
Today, I’d like to share with you my latest travel experience and a Solo Female Backpacker. I love ...
Clizia Mondini
Stretching, Breathwork, Meditation - Home Exercise Worksheets - *DISCOUNT*
Please enjoy this pre-release discount coupon below!These sheets have been a long time in the makin...
The importance of reading can not be underestimated!
The importance of reading can not be underestimated. I came across this sign while out walking in...
Tanya Forbes
Stretching, Mobility and Breathwork - Pre-Release!!!
It's finally here.My daily routine for stretching, mobility and breathwork.A COMPLETE routine that ...
Are you a Spender or a Saver? Part 2
Please check out Part 1 which was posted yesterday. You have probably spent a lot of money recently...
New Learning Opportunities in 2024: ESL
Happy New Year!Are you starting the new year with maybe a new job, or have to attend a special even...
Kana E.
New year, new books: The Wager
One of my resolutions for 2024 is to get back into reading (paper) books and spend a bit less time ...
Zach McLaughlin
NewYear, New Skills: Learning Opportinities in 2024
l like New Year's Day, it is my favourite holiday. Our family prepares for this holiday beforehan...
Svitlana Deikalo
Stretching, Mobility and Breathwork Routine is finally here!
Thank you for taking a look at my home Stretching, Mobility and Breathwork routine, designed for YO...
Are you a Spender or a Saver? Part 1
A lot of people around the world spend a lot of money, especially at Christmas time. Have you been ...
說到台灣有名的美食,你最先會想到的可能是小籠包、牛肉麵或是珍珠奶茶吧。 不過,最近聽說蚵仔煎也相當受到外國人的歡迎。 先來說說「蚵仔煎」是什麼! 蚵仔其實是台語,中文是「牡mu3蠣li4」,台語...
Akira Lin
Make learning a habit not a hassle.
Happy New Year!Time for me to be honest...I'm not a huge fan of large, vague New Years' resolutions...
Dan H
New Year, New Skill, New Hobby
The arrival of a new year presents an exciting chance to embark on a journey of learning and growth...
Understanding and Overcoming procrastination for all students.
Now watch the video and complete the following tasks. Look at the debate and prepare some answe...
At the start of a new year people like to make resolutions for things they want to do during the ye...
Hannah N
New lessons and advantage infos!【子ども用・俳句絵画コンクール】
謹賀新年(Happy New Year)!(日本語は英語の後に記述) In Japan, we celebrate the New Year by eating osechi and ozoni. ...
Stretching + Mobility - Daily Flow Sheet :-)
After a lot of back and forth, due to demand from my students (both on Cafetalk and face to face fi...
大家好,新年快樂! 新的一年到來,希望大家在今年也可以很順利。 台灣人常常在新的一年開始的時候,計劃新的事情。 例如說:開始認真學習英文、開始運動計畫、開始養成新的習慣等等,不知道大家是否也有這樣的...
Akira Lin
大部分的员工们从今天开始工作了,希望你们过得很充足与幸福的一年。不要后悔呢人生的一生虽然很长,但不一定长寿。一想好就开始动 加油
How to Keep your Resolutions. Upper Intermediate for teenagers and young adults.
This is a fun video to help you understand how to keep the goals you set, be more motivated for lon...