言語間類似法:発音学習を加速する技法Cross-Linguistic Analogy Method: Accelerating Pronunciation Learning
言語間類似法(Cross-Linguistic Analogy Method)の言語学習への応用 言語間類似法は、学習者が目標言語の発音を迅速に習得するための有効な方法です。この...
Cindy Tang
Winter is a period of cozy and warm holidays. Christmas, St. Nicholas Day, New Year are just a smal...
Svitlana Deikalo
もし中国語の語彙を学ぶ際に、より創造的で新しい方法を取り入れたいのであれば、以下のユニークな学習法が役立つでしょう。興味を引き、効率を高めることができます。 1. シチュエーションシミュレーション...
Cindy Tang
Why I no longer celebrate Christmas
Christmas is a cherished holiday that brings joy to millions around the globe every year on Decembe...
Wendy E
文法の投稿シリーズ27 - Wie erwartet / according to / 通り
How can we understand constructions like "wie erwartet" oder "wie gesagt"? It corresponds to the En...
The One And Only Gift Men Need
No matter what the occasion is. I can vouch for many men when they say "it's the thought that count...
What makes an English teacher to be a good teacher?
This is a question that many have not properly addressed in a clear way. So because of that, I will...
Dean William
⭐️たまに聞く間違いです。 「すごい(とても)田舎」→ Very countryside❌️ 英語で 「Very + noun (名詞)」は文法が間違っているだけでなく、とても奇妙にも聞こえます。...
John Nanakamado
Please drop me a message, come to my profile and tell me how I can help you!
文法の投稿シリーズ26 - im Gegenteil / On the contrary / 却って
When we are in the situation to describe an unexpected result, sometimes opposite to what was inten...
Choices in Life: How should we feel about them?
Robert Frost died in 1963. I was born in 1963. Early in his life, he made the decision to become...
Dr Grant
文法の投稿シリーズ25 - Es versteht sich von selbst, ... / Needless to say / は言うまでもない
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we want to express that something is 100% clear. W...
Aloha! (Hello in Hawaiian) (Kagawa, Japan) I’m Wally, a native English speaker from Hawaii, now l...
Christmas Lesson クリスマスの特別レッスン - Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean! ミスター・ビーン、メリー・クリスマス!
Celebrate Christmas with Mr. Bean! ミスター・ビーンと一緒にクリスマスを祝おう Like most people in the U.K., Mr. Bean l...
Vicky B
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash I have four suggestions for holiday gifts this year, a...
Zach McLaughlin
Hello Cafetalk Community!This is the song for Shiseido Cosmetics by Lily! Do you remember this song...
Lady Ayame
中文「人家」有以下几种主要用法 1. 他人を指す(第三者や他の人を指す) 例句:人家的东西不要随便拿。 日文说明:他人のものを勝手に取ってはいけません。 2. 自分を指す(甘えた、軽いニュア...
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
Holiday Gift Ideas for Friends and Family
The holiday season is a time for giving, sharing, and making memories. Choosing the right gift can ...
Lisa D.
文法の投稿シリーズ24 - Allerdings / however / 尤も
When you want to express something that contrasts with or appears to contradict a previous statemen...
When brainstorming holiday gift ideas, consider the recipient's interests and hobbies. For example,...
Wendy E
When a hologram loses its origin
Certain doctrines in this world had left life so alienated; it was as though everybody was in a fli...
文法の投稿シリーズ23 - Viel zu / (Way) too / あまりにも…すぎる
How to say, it's way .... too .... like in: "It's way too hot today." あまりにも暑すぎる。In German wie use ...
Weekly Topic: My favorite place Earth!
Hello, all.みなさん、こんにちはThis week's topic is "Your favorite place on Earth!". Do you have any favorite...
文法の投稿シリーズ22 - beeinflussen / influence / 左右する
How to express, that there is an impact or influence of one thing on another?A influeces B.or A inf...
文法の投稿シリーズ21 - Es kommt vor, / sometimes, there are times / 事がある
Expressing occasional occurences, we use the grammar ”there are times, when" like in "There are tim...
天上には楽園があり、地上には蘇州と杭州があり、そして重慶の輝かしい灯りがある。 重慶に来たら、嘉陵江の夜風を感じ、クルーズで二つの川を夜に巡り、洪崖洞を見て、この8D都市の魔法...
Cindy Tang
Improving your Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking
Yesterday, I explained how I was an IELTS expert. However, if you are preparing for the IELTS speak...
Mark Feeley
My New English Introduction Video!
Hello Cafetalk Community!I wanted to update you on my new English Introduction video. Before, my in...
Lady Ayame
One of my favorite places on earth: The Louvre!
I love museums. I love museums because I love Art History. Like literature, paintings and sculpture...
Pilar Barrera
文法の投稿シリーズ20 - obwohl / even though / ながらも
How to express 2 actions happening simultaneously, but stressing that they are contradictory in nat...