Good afternoon all. How many times have you gone to Indonesia? If you often visit Indonesia or have...
Natalia P
每日一詞:無聊 / Word of the Day"無聊(Wúliáo)" / 每日一語:「無聊」
每日一詞:無聊 「無聊」是中文裡常見且多用途的字詞。它是一個狀態動詞(即形容詞),可以用來形容人或事物。因為是一個狀態動詞,所以常用的副詞,如「非常」、「很」、「有點」、「那麼」等等修飾程度的副...
Personally, I find beaches to be the best place to read a book in the evening light. Usually it's h...
Mastering English Through Visual Engagement
Discover the power of visual engagement in our specialized classes: Picture Description Practice an...
This series of books by Stephanie Barron (they are all good, but the latest one is sad because it i...
Alison Fisher
Image: Mohamed Hassan, pxhere Phrasal verb: to take off [intransitive verb - no object] 1) To...
Vicky B
Absorbing reading – Riddle of the Sands
This exciting spy novel by Erskine Childers can be read anywhere – but it is especially suited to t...
台灣的農曆五月五日是「端午節」tai2 wan1 de nong3 li4 wu3 yue4 wu3 ri4 shi4 duan1 wu3 jie2今年是陽曆的6月10日。jin1 nian2 sh...
Hello! I am a Japanese tutor, Muu.As I wrote in my last column, June is the rainy season called "Ts...
When you look at tutorials for 自己紹介(じこしょうかい; self-introductions) in Japanese, you might see somethi...
Candice Nina
Detective books - fun to travel with to the beach or on any holiday!
I love to take a book with me when I go travelling, however, often I find it difficult to concentra...
Hannah N
Exploring the Galaxy: Reading at the Beach
I love the sea. I love the smell of salt on the air, the beautiful language of the waves, the feeli...
Charlotte A
(由于端午节是战国时期伟大诗人屈原的忌日,所以祝贺节日时 我们一般说端午安康,而不像别的节日时说节日快乐。) “白白糍粽美,青青米果新。”“吃粽子,赛龙舟”是这个节日的“标配”。那么,端午节为...
Celebrating 700 lessons on Cafetalk
I am celebrating the milestone of teaching 700 lessons online for several reasons. Firstly, this ac...
Wendy E
「嗎」和 「呢」的差別 / 「嗎」と「呢」の違い / The Difference between 「嗎」and「呢」
「嗎」和 「呢」是華語中最常用、也最主要的兩個表達疑問的助詞,在華語中的使用有明顯的區別,它們主要用於不同類型的句子,具有不同的語氣功能。 這兩者之間最大的特徵與差別是:「嗎」的疑問句主要詢問的...
Why You Are Not Succeeding in English
Learning a new language is a challenging journey, and English, with its nuances and complexities, c...
Rainy season is coming (梅雨がやってくる)
Hello! I am a Japanese language tutor, Muu.. It's been cloudy and rainy in my city so far. June is...
**"I like it" Doesn't Mean "我喜欢(它)"** This topic is very interesting. I remember a few years ago,...
懶得 + 動詞的華語使用方法 在現代華語中,「懶得」是一個常用的口語表達,用來表示對某個行為或動作感到沒有興趣或沒有動力去做。它通常放在動詞前面使用,表示對某件事的懶惰或厭倦。以下是兩個...
Iriya Morning Glory Festival “Asagao Ichi” / 団十郎(Danjuro)を手に入れること(入谷朝顔市)
My summer plan is to buy Danjuro at the Asagao Festival. Do you know about Iriya Morning Glory Fest...
Penguin「才」的五個用法 在現代華語裡面,「才」也是一個很常使用的字,他是一個「副詞」,因此通常是放在動詞...
1.好巧啊 hǎo qiǎo a 2.真巧 zhēn qiǎo 3.太巧了吧 tài qiǎo le ba 4.怎麼那麼巧 zěn me nà me qiǎo 5....
The Inner Dialogue With Mystery Looking from a distance, I see the door of prosperity She sai...
Don't say I'm hungry! Use these expressions instead!
There are a ton of ways to express the feeling of hunger. Why not try and have some fun with the on...
人氣講師排行上榜了! / 人気講師ランキングにランクイン!/Popular Lecturer Rankings Listed!
謝謝學員的支持與鼓勵,第一次上了人氣講師榜,還有很多不足的地方,希望可以跟大家一起學習成長,謝謝大家! 翻譯成日文跟英文 Thank you for the support and encou...
You will learn what day is the Dragon Boat Festival in China and the origination of this festival i...
Jessica H
New Guitar and French teacher for you !
I am delighted to be part of the Cafetalk teachers! I am new here, but not new in my field at all !...
Teacher Max
Summer Camping in Weymouth: My Ultimate Dorset Adventure
Summer in Dorset is a time of endless possibilities, and I can't wait to explore the best that the ...
image: pxhere (no attribution required) なぜそれが間違いなのか “Fight” は「けんか」という意味なので、誰かに “fight!”と言うのは他の人に喧嘩を...
Vicky B