This video is the third in a series of four videos about expressing the present, past, and future t...
Photo: Me in front of the ostrich food stall at the Evergreen Brick Works farmers marketThis weeken...
Zach McLaughlin
One of the things I include in my morning routine is spending ten minutes following a yoga video on...
一閃一閃的矮平房們變得那麼可愛、月亮在雲層之上,好像也離我離得近一些了。 從桃園機場回台北的路上,兩天前還那麼熟悉的一切,兩天後的現在,怎麼就可愛起來了? 「你們是台灣來的吧?說話特別溫柔!」 「...
Chinese Verbs Without Temporal Forms Verbs Without Temporal Forms In Chinese, verbs do not have ...
Negative "不" and "沒"In Mandarin Chinese, there are two main ways to express negation: "不 (bù)" and ...
My neighbor blue bird / 近所の青い鳥(イソヒヨドリ)
My morning routine is to drink coffee on the balcony. Do you like spending time on your balcony? ...
From Me to Us ( 一人からみんなへ:グループ学習の利点 )
Learning in a group offers many unique advantages compared to studying alone. When you join a group...
中国語ライブ配信5月24日21時半:テキストの勉強+会話+発音チェック 金曜日の夜 日本时间21:30。 一起学中文吧!读中文课文,用中文聊天,纠正你的发音! Koko先生のライブレッスンで、中国語...
Although Toronto is still relatively safe compared to other major cities around the world, it has b...
Zach McLaughlin
My morning routine - how many verbs and idioms can you identify?
Each morning my alarm goes off at 7am. I usually toss and turn during the night so sometimes I hit ...
Dan H
Dear Cafetalk Community,How are you doing? I hope you're doing well! Canada has finally moved past ...
Lady Ayame
Learn English Idioms and Phrases sound more confident especially when you speak to English speaker
Every language has its own idioms and expressions and the English language has plenty of useful phr...
PHRASAL VERB: To put (something) off
Image by Myriams-Fotos from PixabayPhrasal verb: to put (something) off Meaning: To postpone or del...
Vicky B
Can You Talk Flexibly About What Needs to Be Discussed?
Flexibility in speaking is a key skill for IELTS candidates aiming for higher band scores. The spea...
Language in my Morning Routine
Like many Cafetalk users, I am currently studying another language: Spanish. Unfortunately, I do no...
Charlotte A
Listening to a new song every other morning...
Every morning, I like to find new music to pair with my coffee. While the beverage remains mostly t...
Improve Your English Pronunciation - Open your Mouth Wider !!!
For many non-native speakers, one of the most troublesome aspects of English pronunciation is that ...
Arthur Heffelfinger
It’s the day after the Victoria Day long weekend here in Toronto and the weather is really heating ...
Zach McLaughlin
「差不多」跟「差一點」 「差不多」跟「差一點」是兩個看起來有點像但是意思其實不一樣的詞。我們可以從以下兩個句子簡單分別: ❶狗狗差一點死了。 ❷狗狗差不多死了。 ❶的句子裡面...
I like to be a morning person, though I find it hard to wake up early. Still, I push myself out of ...
A Morning Routine: Dance Yourself Awake
Perhaps when you first wake up in the morning, the last thing you feel like doing is dancing. Your ...
Charlotte A
現代華語裡面「了」主要有五個用法,其中一表示動作的完成;兩個主要表示狀態的改變;另外兩個主要表示某段持續的時間。 ❶表示動作的完成:這是最簡單的用法,但也是常常被用錯的文法。因為很多狀況之下「...
Let's celebrate international world bee day!
International Bee Day: Celebrating Our Essential Pollinator Happy International Bee Day! May 20th i...
Teacher Jolande
Dear Cafetalk Community,[Vocabulary Lesson]This is a great English vocabulary 4-pack lesson if you ...
Lady Ayame
My Family Reunions are Mundane
I am very curious what do you usually do on family gatherings. In my case, family reunions are very...
一、“了”的几种用法 不少学习者都觉得“了”的用法比较难掌握,其实,汉语的“了”在句子中要有下面几种用法,把他们理解后,就比较正确的运用。 1、表示已经发生的情况 “了”常常用在句...
Time with my family in a relaxed space / 家族と過ごす時間と時間と空間
I visit my family several times a year. I tried to think about how I was spending my time at that t...
This short story is made for intermediate learners!
And The Ocean Was Our Sky is an illustrated book, written by author Patrick Ness and illustrated by...
Family reunions are special occasions that bring relatives together to celebrate, catch up, and str...