Family reunions are special occasions that bring relatives together to celebrate, catch up, and str...
Can you complete 60 American Idioms?
Dear Cafetalk Community,How are you? I hope you are all doing well! I'm doing just fine myself. I w...
Lady Ayame
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Four crazy and funny facts about trees Trees play a vital role in our environment, offering more...
Lyston G.
Talking about weather in English (verbs): Part 3
(Unfortunately, the first time I wrote this article, I lost the file, and it has taken quite a whil...
Zach McLaughlin
"想" (xiǎng) and "要" (yào) In Chinese grammar, "想" (xiǎng) and "要" (yào) can both be used as au...
Dear Learners, This video tells you some studying tips for you effective learning. Have a look.
THE WORD "EVEN" and how to use it
We can use 'even' in comparisons to say that the comparison is surprising or to make comparison ...
Recommended videos おすすめのビデオ - CNN10
10-minute news videos everyday 毎日10分間のニュースビデオ CNN is a well-respect...
Vicky B
A review of Turtles All The Way Down by John Green
One-line synopsis: A teenager's journey to rise through the hurts, battling the constant disrupt...
Learning is not just about individual growth; it's also about the collective experience of sharing ...
這篇文章要來解釋台灣人最常講的「不好意思」的涵義與由來,以及「不好意思」與「對不起」的差異,並試圖解釋其使用差異。 首先,我想先分析「對不起」的文法意義與用法。 華語表現語法中,有一文...
今天我来到我姐姐家,我的姐姐是中医,她给爸爸拔火罐。视频看着可能有点儿害怕,但是为了介绍中国的”拔火罐“,拍了视频。 日文翻译(Japanese Translation): 今日は姉の家に行きました...
Do You Prefer One-on-One learning or a Group Lesson?
While one-on-one lessons offer you personalized attention tailored to your individual needs and lea...
On History (My First Attempt at Making a Video)
I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a regular thing, but it was fun experimenting with video edi...
The Ubiquitous Chinese Character: "的"
The Ubiquitous Chinese Character: "的" "的" is a crucial grammatical element in learning Chinese. I...
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting Penguin column.I'm a person who drinks hot coffee all yea...
每当我肚子饿的时候,我都想要吃“西红柿炒鸡蛋” 英文: Whenever I'm hungry, I always crave scrambled eggs with tomatoes. 日文: ...
Application of Pythagorean Theorem
Given a rectangular plot, distances from 3 corners to a garden water tap are shown. Use Pythagorean...
Taiwanese Euphemistic Expression: "還好"(hái hǎo)
Seasonal Recipe: Savoury Strawberries
It is springtime and in my garden there are many delicious, red, sweet, juicy fruits. Yes, it is st...
Charlotte A
Summer seasonal food in Britain - wild raspberries
The raspberry is my favourite British native fruit - strictly speaking, it is green on the bushes j...
PHRASAL VERB: To call (something) off
Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay Meaning: to cancel Example: They called off the tenni...
Vicky B
Do you sometimes argue with your partner, friends or family members?Do you worry about world confli...
Charlotte A
Is the sinking Yen driving you crazy? Get a lesson discount coupon today!
Bothered by the sinking value of the Yen ?!? ...
Arthur Heffelfinger
日本語では、親族や非常に親しい友人でない限り、通常「姓+さん」で周囲の人を呼びます。また、日本には姓が多いため、このような呼び方をすれば誰が誰であるかすぐに区別できます。 しかし、華語圏、特に台湾...
UPDATED - Home YOGA Workout Sheets - All you need for health and happiness!
These sheets have been a long time in the making, and this routine has been subject to much trial a...
From tender asparagus to succulent lamb, the seasonal bounty of spring offers an exciting opportu...
To express present in English is nothing like present in YOUR language!
Expressing the present in English language is nothing like present in your language! Here are 2 vid...
Taiwanese's "You're Welcome": 不會(bú huì)
Have you ever heard Taiwanese people say "不會" (bú huì)? In modern standardized Mandarin Chine...
Seasonal Recipe: Hawthorn Cordial
Seasonal Recipe: Hawthorn Cordial It’s May, the month which has a flower named after it in British ...
Charlotte A