The thing I love most about spring is seeing the spring flowers start to bloom. I especially love d...
Hannah N
Mother's Day in the UK: A Time for Love and Appreciation Mother's Day in the United Kingdom is a ...
長榮航空Zhǎngróng hángkōng恢復桃園-愛媛航線 Àiyuán Hángxiàn賞櫻旺季Wàngjì再增班
長榮航空:エバー(長栄)航空 旺季:桜のシーズン 增班(增加航班):増便 長榮航空今天恢復桃園-愛媛航線,每週2班,為滿足旅客赴日賞櫻需求,3月20日至4月30日賞櫻旺季增為每週4班。 長榮航空發布...
Maggie Yang
After a long and cold winter, the people of Finland emerge from their cozy homes. Spring, a much-aw...
Jessica H
What do you look forward to this spring?
I'm writing from South Africa. We are going into winter so its a different experience for me, howev...
Naeema Hoosen
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Here are some crazy and funny facts about the oceans. The vast majority of life on Earth is aqua...
Lyston G.
MY DEAR STUDENTS THIS YEAR I AM ON:Link: CAFETALK BOOK CLUB SPRING 2024Here my lesson with my book:...
Luca sensei
陽岱鋼Yáng dài gāng暌違Kuíwéi 3年重返日職體系 關鍵Guānjiàn是稻葉篤紀
暌違Kuíwéi 3年:3年ぶりに 關鍵Guānjiàn:決め手 旅日好手陽岱鋼今年重返日職體系,他今天出席記者會時表示,會選擇效力Oisix新潟Xīnxì Albirex隊的契機Qìjī,是前隊...
Maggie Yang
使った単語:-spring baby (winter baby, summer baby) ==> person born in season (四季の赤ちゃん)-to turn 00 ==&...
我 長大 的 地方 叫「艋舺」。wǒ zhǎngdà de dìfāng jiào「měng jiǎ」 從前 它是 台北市 最 熱鬧 的 地方,cóngqián tāshì táiběishì zu...
I look forward to my friend's wedding
As spring approaches, I am eagerly looking forward to my friend's wedding. It's my first time atten...
好歌推薦---蘑菇Mógū蘑菇Mógū!超可愛洗腦Xǐnǎo 新兒歌《蘑菇濃湯Mógū nóng tāng 》 MOGU MOGU by Play BIG Music 蘑菇濃湯
Maggie Yang
Springtime in Japan: Exploring Nature and Enhancing English
As winter's chill gives way to the warmth of spring, Japan transforms into a picturesque landscape,...
Lewis B
What I'm looking forward to this spring
Photo byRayia Soderberg onUnsplash One of the things that I was really looking forward to was watc...
Zach McLaughlin
Anticipating the Arrival of Spring
Anticipating the Arrival of Spring:Embracing Renewal and Outdoor Adventure As winter begins to lo...
Longer nights and warmer lakes, my spring treats
Life in Switzerland is lovely all seasons of the year, but the springs and summers are especially s...
Amy Jost
New Lesson - Short Stories in English
Short Stories in English The book includes 8 stories that don’t use difficult language or grammar...
Travel-light(荷物少なめ派)vs. Travel-heavy( 荷物多め派)
My favorite coffee shop in Seoul (^^) When I'm on a long trip, I try to make the trip feel li...
There are many who likes to ask this question without taking any notice that the answer is right in...
Dean William
Celebrating 5000 Lessons: A Heartfelt Thank You to My Incredible Students Dear Students, Today...
Essential Self-Care: Practices for a Balanced Life.
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's too easy to neglect our well-being in favour of pursu...
Jessica O.
World Compliment Day - March 1st
Celebrating Kindness: World Compliment Day In a world often filled with noise, negativity, and ch...
Persuasion is the title of a famous novel by Jane Austen, one of Britain's best-loved authors.Persu...
8 Reasons to add Meditation to your Self-Care Routine.
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace is esse...
Lewis B
Journalling and writing is a proven way for self-care. Lately, I have finally found the courage to ...
Going out to a café and reading a book!
I practice self-care in lots of different ways, my favourite way is probably by doing yoga! I do yo...
Hannah N
Les Misérables - New Reading Lesson
Dear Cafetalk Community,This lesson includes 5 x 50-minute lessons. During the 5 lessons, you w...
Lady Ayame