Unlock Your Remote Work Potential with My Travel and Remote Work Lessons!
Are you dreaming of exploring the world while maintaining a steady income? Or maybe you’re already ...
(HSK5~6)日记 琼瑶女士离开了,我很伤心。 HSK分级词汇表达,中日韩英翻译
HSK 5~6 级 汉字 今天得知琼瑶去世的消息,我的心情十分复杂。 她不仅是华语文学界的杰出作家,还是许多人心中的情感导师。 她的作品《还珠格格》可以说是几代人共同的回忆。 我从小到大反...
Holiday Drinks: Useful Expressions for Talking About Your Favorite Drinks!
The holiday season is filled with delicious drinks that make celebrations even more special. Whethe...
Recel Mae
(HSK3~4)日记 琼瑶女士离开了,我很伤心。 HSK分级词汇表达,中日韩英翻译
HSK 3~4 级 汉字 今天,我得知琼瑶去世的消息,心里很难过。 她是中国非常著名的作家,最有名的作品之一就是《还珠格格》。 这部电视剧是我小时候的最爱,每次放暑假,我都会和家人一起看。...
This warm and spiced beverage is made by simmering red wine with various spices
Mulled wine, known as "Kuvano vino" in Serbian, is a popular drink during the winter months, especi...
Wendy E
My favourite drink in winter is a 'gingerbread spiced chai latte'. Chai lattes are very popular in ...
Hannah N
英語学習者向記事とビデオ Articles and Videos for studying English - Voice of America Learning English website
https://learningenglish.voanews.com 英語学習者向けに作られた記事とビデオのウェブサイト A website of articles and videos de...
Vicky B
(HSK1~2)日记 琼瑶女士离开了,我很伤心。 HSK分级词汇表达,中日韩英翻译
如果你们也喜欢她,请给我留言吧~~~ HSK 1~2 级 汉字 今天,我听到一个消息,琼瑶去世了。她写了《还珠格格》,我小时候很喜欢看这个电视剧。我很难过,因为她的故事很好看。我希望她可以...
One drink that I only consume during the winter holidays is Eggnog. My father loves it and always b...
Zach McLaughlin
Get into the Holiday Spirit and Learn English!
Looking for a fun and festive way to enhance your English skills? Join my "Celebrate the Holidays" ...
7 very important verbs in French language ????????
Seven Very Important Verbs in French ???????? Learning a new language can feel like stepping into ...
French Coach Emeka
My Favourite Drink for the holidays
When asked about my favourite drink for the holidays...one comes to mind. A summer lemon cooler. It...
Teacher Anst
Santa Claus has long had the image of a gentle old man with a big smile and a jolly laugh, but in r...
Zach McLaughlin
The Art and Challenge of Multitasking in the Remote Work Era
Multitasking has become a buzzword for modern professionals, especially for aspiring remote workers...
You will learn how to talk about Christams in Chinese, such as Merry Christams, Christams card, Chr...
Jessica H
一向作為副詞修飾的用法 「一向」是一個常用的副詞,用於表達某種情況或狀態在過去某段時間內持續不變。它具有「一直以來」、「向來」的意思,並多用於描述習慣、態度、行為或某種情況的延續性。 以下是「一向」...
10 Reasons You Should Ditch Your AI English Tutor
In today’s world, we’re witnessing an incredible AI boom. Interestingly, however, millions of peopl...
言語間類似法:発音学習を加速する技法Cross-Linguistic Analogy Method: Accelerating Pronunciation Learning
言語間類似法(Cross-Linguistic Analogy Method)の言語学習への応用 言語間類似法は、学習者が目標言語の発音を迅速に習得するための有効な方法です。この...
Cindy Tang
Winter is a period of cozy and warm holidays. Christmas, St. Nicholas Day, New Year are just a smal...
Svitlana Deikalo
もし中国語の語彙を学ぶ際に、より創造的で新しい方法を取り入れたいのであれば、以下のユニークな学習法が役立つでしょう。興味を引き、効率を高めることができます。 1. シチュエーションシミュレーション...
Cindy Tang
Why I no longer celebrate Christmas
Christmas is a cherished holiday that brings joy to millions around the globe every year on Decembe...
Wendy E
文法の投稿シリーズ27 - Wie erwartet / according to / 通り
How can we understand constructions like "wie erwartet" oder "wie gesagt"? It corresponds to the En...
The One And Only Gift Men Need
No matter what the occasion is. I can vouch for many men when they say "it's the thought that count...
What makes an English teacher to be a good teacher?
This is a question that many have not properly addressed in a clear way. So because of that, I will...
Dean William
⭐️たまに聞く間違いです。 「すごい(とても)田舎」→ Very countryside❌️ 英語で 「Very + noun (名詞)」は文法が間違っているだけでなく、とても奇妙にも聞こえます。...
John Nanakamado
Please drop me a message, come to my profile and tell me how I can help you!
文法の投稿シリーズ26 - im Gegenteil / On the contrary / 却って
When we are in the situation to describe an unexpected result, sometimes opposite to what was inten...
Choices in Life: How should we feel about them?
Robert Frost died in 1963. I was born in 1963. Early in his life, he made the decision to become...
Dr Grant
文法の投稿シリーズ25 - Es versteht sich von selbst, ... / Needless to say / は言うまでもない
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we want to express that something is 100% clear. W...
Aloha! (Hello in Hawaiian) (Kagawa, Japan) I’m Wally, a native English speaker from Hawaii, now l...