I completed 100 lessons on Cafetalk!
Achivement The process or fact of achieving something. "the achievement of professional recognitio...
Clizia Mondini
A song that you would play on repeat
A song that you would play on repeat I really like to sing. I like to sing English and Russian song...
Svitlana Deikalo
I found a PERFECT material for SPOKEN English learning!
目玉焼きには塩胡椒ですか?しょうゆですか?How do you like you fried eggs? With salt and pepper or soy sauce? 深夜0時から朝7時...
Yishu H.
Sometimes students have problems with the verbs "arrive" and "depart", when talking about trains, b...
John Nanakamado
I think I am going to be a little sneaky about this topic. Honestly speaking, I do not really have ...
Stephen Brivati
English Broadcasting belowhttps://stand.fm/episodes/632fe9e78a2675ed2d5bd015Today, I'm going to ta...
Teacher Asuka
I have been teaching English in Japan for 23 years and there is an English mistake that I hear almo...
John Nanakamado
Photo: (from left) Our dog Max, my brother and I hanging out in the backyardEvery time I kick any k...
Kenneth Feldman
Do you know who the leader is? A leader is the first in the team, the one whom everyone listen...
Svitlana Deikalo
Before coming to Japan I didn't know the insect, セミ. Here in Japan, I learned the Japanese, America...
John Nanakamado
Tasmania is an island state, about 150 miles (240 km) south of the state of Victoria. Before the pa...
Clizia Mondini
日本では空が澄んで、月がひときわ美しい旧暦の8月15日に豊作を祈り”お月見”をする習慣があります。we have a festival called "otsukimi" which means "...
The Long Read from The Atlandtic-What Makes Industry the Most Thrilling Shows on TV
I'm gonna watch the last episode the Industry tonight. Highly recommended!!You can find the whole a...
Yishu H.
The word 'kill' is usually associated with a negative meaning. He was killed in a fatal car crash. ...
Tutor Mercy
Difficulties in learning English and how to overcome them?
Difficulties in learning English and how to overcome them? There are cases when a person spends a l...
Svitlana Deikalo
Talking about unknown reasons in English
Sometimes we don’t know why certain things happen or why/how we do certain things. In my recent col...
Zach McLaughlin
Photo byKelly Sikkema onUnsplash Somehow, I managed to catch the flu a few days ago, and it’s the ...
Zach McLaughlin
Photo byy.nasx onUnsplash When I was quite young, perhaps 8 or 9 years old, my friend Colin and I ...
Zach McLaughlin
Even if it is true, if you say to an English person "English food is bad", it sounds very direct an...
John Nanakamado
Anne of Green Gables 赤毛のアン (Akage no An)
Anne of Green Gables is now a reading class! The series airs over Netflix too , going by the name A...
A game yuo used to plaing when you were kids
I learned to play chess in early childhood. I was 3 years old when my dad taught me all the rules o...
Svitlana Deikalo
There were a number of games that I enjoyed playing as a child. Some of them are 'Mud or Stone', Ca...
Tutor Mercy
A game I used to like playing when I was a kid.
Looking back, I can recall so many games that I enjoyed it is hard to pick one. So, to simplify th...
Stephen Brivati
Abortion........The unexpected distress
Oh my baby if I had known…….. I went yesterday for a protest; I was looking for affection, I was lo...
Sport is sport, after all It's a difficult question to answer because both activities are benefici...
Laurin N.
Hello!Thank you for finding my column!I'm Yuko Fukushima, just started some lessons on Cafetalk f...
Yuko Fukushima
Hooray, I've taught 50 lessons on Cafe Talk! I have more lessons booked in the next few weeks so it...
A goal is what we strive for, what we try to implement, and what we want to achieve. For some reaso...
Svitlana Deikalo