An Article for Beginners/Lower-Intermediate
Hello Everyone!Today I wanted to show you an article that is easier. This article is better for upp...
Tracy R.
Things You May Not Understand About English
Hello Everyone!I have a great little article for you today. This is probably for more advanced or u...
Tracy R.
Have You Heard 'Like' Being Used in English and Can't Figure it Out? Read Here!
Hello Everyone!Much to the annoyance of our parents, the word 'like' being used randomly in a sente...
Tracy R.
When is Proper Grammar and Punctuation Important?
Hello Everyone!I have another article for you today. This was actually a question sent in by an off...
Tracy R.
Japanese Student's English Test Scores
Hello Everyone!I came across this article about Japanese school students English test scores. Have ...
Tracy R.
Listening and Reading Practice for Upper-Beginners/Lower-Intermediates
Hello Everyone!Today I have an English Grammar article for some of you beginners and intermediate l...
Tracy R.
Accents - To Have a Perfect Native Accent or Not?
Hello Everyone!Have you dreamed of having the perfect accent? Sounding just like a native American ...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone!I have an advanced article this week for those who are interested in how the interne...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone!Here is an exciting and interesting interview about the misuse of some very common t...
Tracy R.
Studying English -- Tips to Help you Improve
Hello Everyone!I'm sure that by now, everyone is back in the swing of things after your extended va...
Tracy R.
Do you want to lose your accent?
Hello everyone!I have an interesting article today about using technology to lose one's accent. Do ...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone!Prepositions are rather difficult for many people studying English. It's sometimes d...
Tracy R.
Language: The Pawn of Politics
Hello Everyone!Okay, this is a rather advanced article but very interesting. Language is a fascinat...
Tracy R.
Hello everyone!I stumbled across a neat little 'game' that the BBC has today. It's a role-playing s...
Tracy R.
Hello everyone! I think writing is great. If I can, I try to write every day, since I believe it h...
Tracy R.
The Simplification of Languages
Hello everyone! I have an interesting article for you today, on the simplification of languages, e...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! Many of you are preparing for, or recently took, a big test of English skill, whet...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! Today I have a bit more advanced of an article. But I thought I'd share it with th...
Tracy R.
Learning English Through Film and Song
Hello everyone! Today I have a link to an article that teaches some English grammar through films ...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! As many of my students know, I usually put stress on the fact that learning a lang...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! School is starting back up in Japan and in the US again, and that means studying a...
Tracy R.
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great Obon/summer vacation. Since some of you may have a bi...
Tracy R.
Should You Study the Subject You Teach?
Hello Everyone! If found this article, that I thought was rather surprising. Apparently, in some p...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! Would you like to learn how to use ‘would’? This is a very important ...
Tracy R.
Do You Use These Words Correctly?
Hello everyone! There are a lot of words in the English language, and sometimes we all make mistak...
Tracy R.
Hello everyone! As I was hunting around today, I found an article that will be very useful for man...
Tracy R.
English Learning Channel for Kids!
Hi everyone! Recently I read about a new service that will be available for kids, so I thought I w...
Tracy R.
Hi Everyone! I found this article that you might be interested in. This is a list of the top 10 mo...
Tracy R.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hello Everyone! I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Years! I'll b...
Tracy R.
Hello everyone! For those of you who regularly take lessons, you'll notice that my schedule for th...
Tracy R.