パートナーが僕にLINEでメッセージを送ってきた。 "I'm about to catch a train" 彼女は仕事から帰るところだと思ったので、びっくりした! 「えっ! どこに行くの...
John Nanakamado
Talking about festivals and holidays in English
This week’s column topic is Summer festivals, so today I would like to share some ways to talk abou...
Zach McLaughlin
Hobbies To Keep My Writing Skills Sharp
So, being new to Cafetalk and finding my way around has been somewhat complicated, but I think I've...
Greg S.
Make your lists more clear with the Oxford comma
The Oxford comma, also known as the serial comma, is a punctuation mark that appears before the fin...
Ivan K
The Croxley Revels: Croxley Green, Hertfordshire, England
The Origins of the Croxley Revels: A Community Celebration Rooted in History Croxley Green, a pictu...
Mark Roy
The Canadian National Exhibition
The Canadian National Exhibition is a festival that takes place in Toronto and marks the end of Sum...
Zach McLaughlin
Hi everyone! How have you been? How is your July going so far? I hope it’s been a great month for y...
Do you sprinkle salt on watermelon?/スイカに塩をかける?
Speaking of "summer", the first thing that comes up to my head is "Watermelon ". During summer vac...
每日一詞:而且 / Word of the day 而且(ér qiě) / 毎日の一語:而且
每日一詞:「而且」 今天的烏鴉學舌要介紹的是一個華語中很常用的連詞—「而且」,它主要用來連接句子,表達事情之間的關係。熟練它能幫助我們更好地描述和解釋我們的想法。以下我們將介紹而且的使用方法...
Using the Indefinite Article (a/an) in English
As you probably know, English uses articles before nouns most of the time (unless the noun is plura...
Ivan K
The Cafetalk admins recently posted a blog about students expressing interest in having lessons wit...
Adrienne Morgan
Conversational English: Useful Phrases/ Sentences
Hi!Below are some useful conversational phrases/ sentences.
Jane C G
Hello! I'm Muu., Japanese language teacher. The rainy season ended and summer is in full swing in m...
Learn about NOVA SCOTIA culture and special English vocabulary
Would you like to learn about my home province Nova Scotia? If yes ! -- I am offering two classes ...
Are You Excited for Deadpool and Wolverine?
Don't tell me you don't watch comic book movies, 'cause I have a surprise for you!! The movie less...
Saying long numbers in English 長い数字を英語で読む方法
Image by Ahmad Ardity from PixabaySaying long numbers in English can be difficult. 長い数字を英語で読むのは難しい...
Vicky B
A Picture that Describes My Summer
Last summer, I went on a huge road trip from my home in southern Spain, across the country of Spai...
Charlotte A
A thank you note from my student!
Hello Cafetalk Community!How are you? I'm happy to correspond with you again. Today, I experienced ...
Lady Ayame
The Philippines has a tropical climate and only experiences dry and wet seasons. However, we consid...
Jane M.
Summer in Sub-Saharan Africa lasts from November to February. This time of year is very hot and bea...
Ms Judy
People often ask me about the food that is typically eaten in Canada, and I usually answer that Can...
Zach McLaughlin
「一~就~」的用法 / The Usage of "一~就~" Structure / 「一~就~」の使い方
Dear Students, My apologies for not writing a blog for a long time --honestly our life hasn`t been ...
August 9th is the Moomin Day! /8月9日はムーミンの日(おばけで涼しく?)
Do you know that August 9th is the Moomin Day? This is the day that the author Tove Jansson was bor...
Words that look the same but sound different and mean different things
English is not a language renowned for its consistent pronunciation. This inconsistency can be a si...
Ivan K
5 Green Tips for a Cooler Summer
Here are 5 tips that I can vouch for, coming from one of the more famously warm climates of the wor...
Sumera A.
Keeping Cool with Permaculture this Summer: part 2 – how to stay cool in the heat of July
In part 1 of this article series I introduced the concept of permaculture and how we can use it to ...
Charlotte A
Keigo (honorifics) 101: different ways to say “ok”
In Japanese, there are different ways to acknowledge something (e.g. ok, I understand, got it) with...
Candice Nina
BBC News Review - videos to learn topical phrases 話題のフレーズを学ぶビデオ
https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/course/newsreview-2024 The BBC has a lot of resources...
Vicky B
Correct English Pronunciation.
This is a topic that has been brought up in conversation over and over again without getting a real...
Dean William