Hello Everyone! As I was browsing BBC, I found this short article about the Otaku Expo in To...
Tracy R.
BBC News - Cold Rice Means Fewer Calories
Hello Everyone! I found this short article about cooling rice to reduce its calories when eaten.&n...
Tracy R.
Groom Dumped for Failing Simple Math
Hello Everyone! So I found this interesting, if strange, article on the BBC. Apparently, an Indian...
Tracy R.
News - Can Music Cause Hearing Damage?
Hello Everyone! The BBC posted an article about how music has been linked to early hearing loss. T...
Tracy R.
BBC News - Genetically Engineered Babies
In the UK, a law has been passed stating that doctors are now allowed to use the DNA of three adult...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! Here on Cafetalk, we all know what it's like trying to learn something new. And we...
Tracy R.
There is a thing called E-sports, which is competitive online gaming. I'm sure some of you have hea...
Tracy R.
I wanted to say thank you to all of the students who took part in the “Ring in the New Years&...
Tracy R.
2014 is almost over and with the new year, comes new beginnings! Ring in the New Year with me with ...
Tracy R.
Hi Everyone! http://www.npr.org/blogs/parallels/2014/12/03/368143686/is-womenomics-the-answe...
Tracy R.
Hello Everyone! I wanted to let everyone know about a special lesson. This week on the 27th it is ...
Tracy R.
Hey there everyone! Today's article is about... Anagrams! Do you know what an anagram is? An ana...
Tracy R.
I've been reading that Japan is in a recession right now. For those interested, here is a news arti...
Tracy R.
BBC Article - Glow-in-the-Dark Bike Path
Here is an interesting article about a new innovation in the Netherlands: a glow in the dark bike p...
Tracy R.
I hope everyone will join me for my live seminar on Wednesday the 12th at 10 PM, where I'll be talk...
Tracy R.
Here is a joke I couldn't resist. I do believe I've heard this one before, in another version with ...
Tracy R.
Normally, when a language's native speakers are growing old and the language has few native speaker...
Tracy R.
Amigurumi is popular in most places. Why wouldn't it be? It's adorable animals, people and foods (y...
Tracy R.
Mini-Lesson on Idiom Phrasal Verb Pairs
Idioms are a fun part of language, as we already know. And sometimes a confusing part of language. ...
Tracy R.
I enjoy a good joke. They brighten our days with a smile and a laugh. So here are a few amusing jok...
Tracy R.
A Mini-Lesson: Phrasal Verb Pairs
“Sit down and be quiet! And sit up!” Sounds strange, right? But this is an actual phra...
Tracy R.
A fairly common thing I see my students doing is the use of "older" for "oldest" (and "younger" for...
Tracy R.
A Parrot of Many Languages - BBC Article
I enjoy languages and I grew up with parrots (african greys, macaws, galahs, cockatoos and, yes, ev...
Tracy R.