
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

David 讲师的专栏

This is Spike, our first cat and our best friend


In this photo he was helping Ashley to learn Japanese - until he got bored and fell asleep on her book!!!! 

We miss this little guy every day.

He was a rescue cat from a bad family, and although we were devastated when he died unexpectedly, we were pleased to have given him 6 years of happy, love-filled life. 

Similar to my previous Firefighters Charity campaign, I will be donating 50% of the money from ALL requests for the lessons below to the 'National Emergencies Trust' :

Home Exercise Sheet + Bonus Mobility Sheet

31 English Idioms Sheet

51 Common Phrasal Verbs Sheet

One-Month Customised Exercise Programme

Customised Healthy Recipe Sheets

Customised Healthy Food Shopping List

50 Minute English Discussion Lesson of Your Choice

Goal Planning, The Future, and How to Create Your Perfect Life

High Intensity Interval Training

Whether you want to support my campaign, or simply support in your own way is fine. But what is important is that we DO something. I personally don't want to sit back and rely on others to save us while I enjoy time at home with friends and family. And whilst there may not be much we can actually do, we can donate, volunteer, help in the community (if this is permitted), call loved ones and those who live alone, help the elderly, and also simply just following the rules and staying inside. All of this will help the situation to end sooner, and before we know it we will be back to our normal busy lives.

Stay positive everyone.


