Learning is Never Complete! | Tips for Advanced Language Learners

Ishan Mainali

I often hear from English language learners about how it seems as if learning English is a never-ending task. They usually talk about this matter in a dissapointed voice.

I think that their observations are absolutely correct. There is no end to learning any language. I speak Nepali as my first language and every day, I discover new words. I have been speaking English since primary school but even till this day I have to google a few words that I come across in my university readings.

People usually feel that they are learning a lot when the focus is on basic grammatical structure or learning words for the first few days. Later on, when they have mastered all the grammar and the fundamental vocabulary, they feel unmotivated to learn more. This is completely normal!

What is important to remember in this situation is that at this point, the person has already mastered basic conversational skills. And while learning new words might not really feel like learning, that feeling does not speak the truth.

I hope this article helps those who are struggling with their advanced language learning. 
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尼泊爾語   母語程度
英語   母語程度
印地語   接近母語程度
阿拉伯語   日常會話程度
烏爾都語   日常會話程度
日語   只能說一點

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