
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Zach McLaughlin 講師のコラム

Just one wish

今週のテーマ: もしも魔法で一つだけ願いが叶うとしたら


I have plenty of silly little wishes.

  • I wish I wasn’t allergic to watermelon; it looks so good!
  • I wish I could snap my fingers to magically take apart LEGO sets. It would save a lot of time!
  • I wish developers would stop building condos in my neighbourhood. They’re blocking the view of the lake and the forest!

I have some bigger, more serious wishes, too.

  • I wish I could see my family and friends more often. Everyone lives in different cities and we don’t see each other much.
  • I wish my recycling actually got recycled. I have a feeling that most of it ends up in the garbage even when I put it in the blue box. 
  • I wish I had learned about money and interest and taxes earlier in my life. That knowledge would have saved me a lot of money!

But if I could magically make just one wish come true, I guess it would be…

I wish that our environment and climate weren’t so messed up. I wish we hadn’t lost so many animal and plant species already. I wish there wasn’t so much garbage in the oceans. I wish people weren’t losing their homes and lives to more extreme weather and more frequent disasters. I wish people and companies and governments were more responsible. But since I can’t magically make wishes come true, I hope we still have the time and the will to fix things before it gets too much worse.

I think my real wish is the same as every generation’s before me - for a better future.

