I want to try and make Eclairs / Choux pastry ( a sort of pastry with a cream or custard filling) this year! / エクレア/シュー皮を作ってみたい

今週のテーマ: 今年は〇〇に挑戦したい!

Naeema Hoosen

I do not have a life goal that I want to complete for this year, but I want to try bake this dessert.

I am a bit of a sweet tooth ( I like to eat desserts and chocolates). I am not a baker, I still am learning to bake. I can bake biscuits and cakes, BUT I have not yet baked eclairs. For this years, I want to try to bake this. Eclairs is also known as profitroles. It is so yummy and delicious. 

Last year, I had observed a baking class make it and since then I have been wanting to try baking it.

The recipe is simple, but it has some difficult steps.

I hope to try this recipe soon.

This is the recipe : 


Ingredients for Choux Pastry: 

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 8 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 large eggs

Ingredients for Pastry Cream: 

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and scraped (or 2 tsp vanilla extract)
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 4 Tbsp unsalted butter room temperature

For the Chocolate Glaze:


How to Make Choux Pastry

  1. In a Medium saucepan, combine 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup milk, 8 Tbsp butter, 1 tsp sugar and 1/4 tsp salt. Bring to a boil over medium heat then remove from heat and stir in 1 cup flour all at once with a wooden spoon.

  2. One flour is incorporated, place back over medium heat about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes stirring constantly (to release extra moisture and partially cook flour), or until dough comes together into a smooth ball and a thin film forms on bottom of pan.

  3. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and beat using an electric hand mixer on medium speed for 1 minute to cool the mixture slightly. Add 4 eggs, 1 at a time, allowing each egg to fully incorporate between additions. Beat until dough is smooth and forms a thick ribbon when pulled up. 

  4. Pipe eclairs over baking sheet lined with silicone using a 1/2” round tip. Pipe 18-20 (4” long and 3/4” wide) strips, keeping them 1 1/2" apart.

  5. Bake at 425˚F for 10 minutes. Without opening oven, reduce temp to 325˚F and, bake 30 minutes longer or until golden brown. Transfer to wire rack to cool while making pastry cream.

How to Make Pastry Cream: 

  1. In a medium saucepan bring 2 cups milk, vanilla bean and scraped seeds just to a boil, stirring to prevent film from forming.

  2. In a separate large bowl, whisk together 3/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup corn starch and pinch of salt. Add 4 egg yolks and whisk until smooth, creamy and lightened in color - it takes a couple of minutes but it will get there. 

  3. Gradually (so the eggs don't curdle), while whisking constantly, add hot milk in a steady stream until all of it is incorporated. Pour mixture back into saucepan and bring to a boil while whisking constantly then whisk another 30 seconds until mixture is thick and pudding-like in consistency.

  4. Transfer pastry cream to a medium bowl (whisk in 2 tsp vanilla extract if using). Cut butter into pieces and quickly whisk into the custard until fully incorporated Cover with plastic directly over the surface of the cream, let it cool slightly then refrigerate 30 minutes or until cool. 

  5. With a small pastry tip, poke 2-3 holes through the bottom of each cooled pastry. Pipe cream inside, scraping off excess. Refrigerate eclairs while making chocolate glaze.

How to Make Chocolate Glaze:

  1. Place 4 oz of chocolate chips into a small heat-safe bowl. 

  2. Heat 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream (in a saucepan or microwave) until it is just at a simmer then remove from heat and pour over chocolate chips. Let rest 2 minutes then whisk from the center outwards until smooth sauce forms. 

  3. Dip the top half of filled and chilled eclairs into the chocolate sauce, allowing excess to drip off.

Recipe Notes

*4 oz chocolate chips by weight or 2/3 cup by volume. 

 The method I want to try is to make the choux pastry, the fill it with whipped cream , not custard. And for the glaze, I will use just only melted chocolate. 

What do you want to try before the new year? 


今年の人生の目標はありませんが、このデザートを焼いてみたいです。 私は少し甘い歯です(私はデザートとチョコレートを食べるのが好きです)。私はパン屋ではありません、私はまだ焼くことを学んでいます。ビスケットやケーキは焼けますが、まだエクレアは焼いていません。今年はこれを焼いてみたいです。エクレアはprofitrolesとしても知られています。とても美味しくて美味しいです。 昨年、お菓子作り教室で作っているのを見て、それ以来、お菓子作りをやってみたいと思っていました。 レシピはシンプルですが、難しいステップがいくつかあります。 私はこのレシピをすぐに試してみたいと思っています。  



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