I've been subscribed to Netflix for about 6 years now and have seen many, many shows but it was easily one of the best ones for me.
So I knew that for Halloween this year, I was definitely going to dress up as a character from the series.
Actually I really wanted to wear the turqoise tracksuit that Gifun and the other participants of the games were wearing, but I was too lazy to snag a pair, so I ended up becoming the terrifying "Red Light, Green Light" Doll from Episode 1! ( Photo at bottom)
I didn't go out to party because of COVID-19, though, and just took fun photos / videos for social media. I wish I could have gone out, since it would have been fun to find other people dressed up as characters from Squid Game and take pictures together hehe.
Apparently "Squid Game" costumes were one of the most popular types of Halloween costumes this year :) Did any of you dress up as a character from Squid Game?
If not, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I'd love to know!! Leave a comment, or please tell me in a lesson if you have the chance to take one (In this case, pleeaaase show me pics!!!! :) )
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