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Minami F

Hello! イギリス在住の英会話講師MINAMIです!



When you started learning English, I’m sure you learnt the word ‘please’ in the early stages. It’s very important to learn how to use this word if you want to ask for anything politely. After all, where would we be without good manners?
But have you heard/used these phrases before? Let’s look at the different ways you can use the word ‘please’ through these four phrases:

‘Pretty please’ 「お願ーい!」強意形

まずは、Pleaseだけでは足りない時に使う「お願い」の強意形。子供がよく使うフレーズで長いバージョンがpretty please with sugar/a cherry on top。友達や家族相手だったら大人も使い、フレーズそのまま、お願い事の後に着けて使います。

There’s a longer version which is ‘pretty please with sugar/a cherry on top’ this phrase is used often by children as an intensifier (to make it stronger) when they reeeeaalllyy want something. Adults use it too, but only in a friendly and informal situation. These are used as a phrase on its own, usually after the request.
   ‘Can we have ice cream tonight? Please, please,
pretty please!

   ‘Can you please babysit tonight?’ ‘Um…’ Pretty please with a cherry on top!


‘As you please’  お好きなように・ご自由にどうぞ

Pleaseは喜ばす、満足するなどといった意味もあり、asは「〜のように」という接続詞。As you pleaseは「あなたの満足するように」となります。「お好きなように」や「ご自由にどうぞ」などの使い方が多いですが、場合によっては「勝手にしたら」というような突き放した言い方にもなりえます。

This ‘please’ is used with the meaning - to make happy, give pleasure, enjoyment or satisfaction. The full phrase means however you wish, whatever you choose, in whatever way you prefer; just like saying ‘as you wish’ or ‘as you like’. But in some cases, you can use it in a dismissive tone, like ‘do whatever you want, I don’t care.’

   ‘It’s very informal here, so you can dress as you please.’

   ‘Here’s you room key, you can come and go as you please.’

   ‘He’s not going to listen, he’ll just do as he pleases.’


‘Oh, please’  何言ってんの?・勘弁してよ・冗談はよしてくれ

This is the response we can use when someone says something irritating or unbelievable, similar to ‘come on’. It’s important to use the correct tone and facial expression.
Oh please. You didn’t see a UFO, it was a drone!’
 ‘Sorry I’m late for work. There was a car accident on the way.’
Oh please. This is the third time I’ve heard you say that.’

‘What’s the magic word?’ 魔法の言葉は?

You might hear this after you’ve asked that person for something. Did you forget to say ‘please’? Because that’s usually the ‘magic word’!

   ‘Can I have some chocolate?’

   ‘What’s the magic word?

   ‘Please! Can I PLEASE have some chocolate?’

   ‘That’s better. Yes, you can.’

How many ways have you used the word ‘please’?

专栏文章仅为讲师个人观点,不代表 Cafetalk 立场。


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英语   母语程度
日语   母语程度
罗马尼亚语   只能说一点

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