My Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S.

Yuki Sato

Hi everyone, 

I was on a break last week since it was Thanksgiving in America.
Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family and friends. It is a national holiday in the U.S.

Thanksgiving is a celebration of when European colonists made an alliance with the Wampanoag tribe. The pilgrims and the Native American tribe then shared a meal to celebrate their alliance. This is said to be the first "Thanksgiving meal".

This is what we were taught in school, but later I learned the dark side of history. Where European colonists tourtured many of the Native American people and they were wrongfully pushed out of their own home. 

Even though this holiday has a dark history many Americans still celebrate this holiday. Some recognize this dark side, many ignore it. I choose to acknoledge the dark past but still take part in this holiday. Not to celebrate the horrific history but to be with friends and family. 

I am Japanese so I never celebreated Thanksgiving but now that I have an American boyfriend I take part with his family. My partner's name is Dan, him and his family is from Michigan. Though I am from CA originally I lived in Michigan and Illinois for a part of my life. So when we go back to Michigan I am able to spend time with Dan's family and also my friends :) 

Dan's family tradtion for Thanksgiving is pretty extensive. American families love tradtions. It is something they do every single year and it becomes a tradition.
The night before Thanksgiiving is known as the "biggest bar night". People all across America go out to the bars and party. Dan's family does the same. We go to his town's local resturaunt where his uncle bartends. His cousin get's a party bus and picks all of us up and we head to the resturant. 
The next day we start the day with going to the Lion's football game tailgate. A tailgate is when people post up in a parking lot near the game and bbq and drink before the game. After that we head to the football game. After the game we head back to his grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner!
IT IS A FULL DAY. By 6pm I am exhausted but it is super fun.

Thanksgiving dinner menu;
TURKEY!! Pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole.

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