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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Rubrica di Spiritual Counselor Keiko

花瞑想 カルマの解放•魂の解放

Dec 9, 2021

花瞑想 Flower Essence Meditation 
カルマの解放•魂の解放 花の精霊たちがスピリチュアルにあなたを癒す
日時: 2021.12. 14 20:00-21:00
Zoom オンライン瞑想
参加費: 1回¥1900, 回数券¥9000(1回あたり¥1500)、初回free
Cafetalkはこちらから https://cafetalk.com/lessons/detail/?id=421398&lang=ja

スピリチュアルカウンセラーKeiko&Maria Blue Healing 時野慶子

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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