Weekly Topic: Tell us about a good habit that you have


Hmmm, what a good topic!
I think habits are really easy to start but difficult to maintain! MOre often than not, we form bad habits or routines, like reading late or binge-watching K-dramas on Netflix! These habits are really hard to break and it's sometimes difficult to form good habits. However, once you form a habit it's extremely beneficial and can make your life easier. 
One habit I am getting better at, and do every day, is to put things away after I finish using them, or once I have come home. 
As kids, we are always taught to put things in their right spot, but sometimes as adults, we are too busy with our everyday lives things can get messy. Clothes pile up, books get stacked together, electronics get chucked in a drawer! Especially since the pandemic started, and we spent more time indoors, looking at four walls, we have looked at our stuff more and more! 
So, I have tried harder and harder to keep my house clean and organised. As soon as I come home from being out I unpack my bag and things get put back where they belong. 
It helps me locate things, keep things tidy, and helps me check out from my workday! 
Even forming small habits are great at making you feel productive and accomplished! Some simple habits you can try are making your bed every day, going to bed on time, using a facemask/pack every day, or drinking 8 glasses of water!
What good or bad habits do you have?

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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