The next destination on my list is...

Weekly Topic: Next destination on your list is...



The last overseas holiday that my family went on was to Thailand and it was action-packed. My wife and I were traveling with our pre-teen daughter, so it was pretty easy for us to get around on buses, trains, speedboats and in tuktuks. We spent one night on the island of Koh Samet, took in the sights and sounds of city life in Bangkok, explored the local markets and even made it out to Aruthaya for a few hours. We were always on the go and there was never a dull moment

With the birth of our second daughter and the pandemic still going on, we couldn’t go very far, so we settled on the lush and hilly town of Hakone. Back then, our baby daughter was the silent type and didn’t make much noise so we could travel in peace. However, since she’s started walking, her personality has bloomed, and she's gotten impressively loud so when she has a tantrum you can hear her a mile away. 

Having a daughter who can make that much noise is fine when you’re out in wide open spaces. On the other hand, the thought of her cries echoing around the interior of an airplane full of passengers on a 6 or 7-hour flight is a little daunting. We will take that international trip again sometime in the near future, but for now, I’d say the next destination on our list is most likely a domestic one. Perhaps Hokkaido where the hills will come alive with the sound of our daughter. 

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The expressions in the bold font above appear in my holiday-themed 'Speak Like A Native' lesson. If you’d like to practice using them and many more holiday-related phrases in casual conversations click here to check out the lesson page. 

Trial lessons → 1000pts for 45 minutes.

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