
Pride Month: LGBTQ vocabulary in English

Lizzie H

In many countries, sexuality and gender can be sensitive subjects. However, where I live, more and more people have become accepting of LGBTQ identities. No matter what your identity is, I think it is important to be true to yourself while respecting the others around you. I hope that someday people in all countries will be able to express themselves freely.




Do you know about Pride Month? In the United States and Canada, the month of June is recognized as LGBTQ Pride Month. In some cities, you can see Pride flags on people’s houses and in the storefronts of businesses. We celebrate Pride Month because many places are still not accepting of LGBTQ identities. It can be empowering for queer folks to see likeminded individuals living proudly. 




You might be curious about English LGBTQ vocabulary. Do you know that there are lots of special words that we use to talk about sexual and gender identities? Some of the most important words to know are in the acronym:




Lesbian = 女性を愛する女性

Gay = 男性を愛する男性

Bisexual = 複数の性別に惹かれる人々

Transgender = 出生時に割り当てられた性別とは異なるジェンダーを持つ人たち

Queer = 型にはまらない性的アイデンティティやジェンダーアイデンティティを持つ人たち

Intersex = 男性でも女性でもない体を持つ人々

Asexual = 性的魅力を感じない人。


This is just the tip of the iceberg, of course! If you talk to LGBTQ-identified folks, you might hear them use some LGBTQ slang like this:




“My girlfriend’s a total butch, and I love her!”


“I really want to go on HRT, but my parents are super transphobic…”


“My cousin was closeted for like 15 years, but now they’re out to everyone and they just married their non-binary partner last month.”


butch = ボーイッシュ

HRT = ホルモン補充療法(hormone replacement therapy

transphobic = トランズジェンダーの人に対する不寛容や嫌悪を表す形容詞

closeted = 性的指向などを隠している状態

“out” = 人から自分のアイデンティティを隠していない状態

non-binary = Xジェンダー (男女どちらとも異なる性自認)


Want to learn more? If you’re interested in learning more LGBTQ words, you’ll probably enjoy my new “LGBTQ talk” lesson. It’s a semi-structured lesson with tons of vocabulary and interesting discussion topics. Check it out!


もっと詳しく知りたいですか?LGBTQの単語をもっと学びたいなら、私の新しいレッスン「LGBTQ talk」を楽しんでいただけると思います。このレッスンは、たくさんの語彙と興味深いディスカッションのトピックがある半構造のレッスンです。ぜひご覧ください。

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