
I accidentally got my childhood dream job!?

주간 토픽: What did you want to become when you were a kid?

Lizzie H

You know, when I was a kid, I didn’t really think very hard about professions. My parents didn’t put any pressure on me to become a doctor or lawyer or anything like that, so I had quite a lot of freedom to choose what I wanted to be. At first, I thought I wanted to be a ballerina. That was when I was five and taking ballet lessons. I liked doing the stretches in class, so when anyone asked me what I wanted to be, I just arbitrarily answered that I wanted to be a ballerina. Of course, I didn’t continue with the ballet classes for more than a year, so I quickly forgot about that dream. 


When I was in third grade, I decided that I wanted to be an editor. I liked reading fiction, so I thought it would be fun to read people’s writing and correct their mistakes. That idea lasted until about fifth grade when I started playing guitar. Suddenly, I wanted to become a singer-songwriter! I practiced guitar and wrote my own songs, but started getting discouraged in college. Everybody else was so much more talented than me. Maybe I didn’t have what it takes to become a singer-songwriter… 


In the end, it seemed I was destined to have way too many interests to choose one thing to pursue in my life. The truth is that I like music, I like reading, I like writing, and yes, even dancing! But starting when I was thirteen, I realized that more than anything, I love language. I love learning languages and talking about languages, and for the past fourteen years I’ve always had at least one language to study! In a way, my third-grade dream came true. I’m not an editor exactly, but I do get to read people’s writing and correct their mistakes. Even better, I get to talk with people about language every day! And who knows? Maybe I’ll find another passion later in life. I hope that I do!


put pressure on someone: (人)に圧力をかけて
freedom to do something: 何かをする自由

do stretches: ストレッチをする
something lasts until sometime:  
get discouraged:  
have what it takes to do something:  
to be destined to do something:  
《be ~》~する運命にある
even better:  

*The definitions are mostly taken from the online dictionary, 英辞郎

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