英語のあいづち (Or why you should say “Yeah” more often!)

Lizzie H

英語のあいづち (Or why you should say “Yeah” more often!)


When I started learning Japanese, they taught us the importance of aizuchi in conversation. 









There are a lot of aizuchi in Japanese. Have you ever studied aizuchi in English? I think if you’re only going to learn one aizuchi in English, it should be “yeah!”


Here’s an example of a simple conversation between friends:



A: I really like The Beatles, but I don’t like their early music as much.



B: I think so too. Their later music is very interesting.



A: I know. It’s very different from their early music. I think they looked cute when they were young, but their later music is more artistic. 



B: Do you know “A Day in the Life?” That song gives me shivers.

"ア・デイ・イン・ザ・ライフ "を知っていますか?あの曲はゾクゾクします。


A: Yes. And “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” has good lyrics. I love it.

そうです。あと、"While My Guitar Gently Weeps "は歌詞がいいです。大好きです。


B: It makes me feel like I was born in the wrong generation. 


I guess that was an interesting conversation, but it felt kind of like it was out of a textbook. What happens if we make it more exciting?

A: I really like The Beatles, but not their early stuff so much, you know?



B: Yeah, definitely. Their later music gets really interesting.



A: Yeah, I know! It’s completely different, right? Like, I think they were cute and all in the beginning, but their later stuff… like that’s ART! 



B: Yeah, like “A Day in the Life”? That song gives me shivers every time. 

そうそう、「A Day in the Life」もそうでしょ?あの曲は毎回ゾクゾクしますよね。


A: Oh for sure. And what about “While My Guitar Gently Weeps?” The lyrics and everything… it totally blows me away.

ああ、確かに。で、”While My Guitar Gently Weeps "はどうですか?歌詞も全部……すごく感動しますね。


B: Yeah, makes me feel like I was born in the wrong generation, you know?




Did you notice how many times A and B used “yeah” in the second example? You can use “Yeah” at the beginning of your sentence, and it will sound very natural most of the time. You can even disagree after saying “yeah”!




A: Are you going to go to the concert tonight?


B: Yeah, I thought about it, but I don’t think I want to go.



Conclusion: “Yeah” is a very useful word, and it makes conversation go smoothly! Try using it in your sentences more, or listen for it in your favorite English-language TV shows!




*By the way, do you like learning about natural English conversations, like the ones you saw above? Check out my Idioms class! I’ve got dozens and dozens of conversations that you can learn from, and all of them incorporate interesting and cool expressions!*

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