Which which? (どれのWHICH?)

Lizzie H

Did you know there are several ways to use which in English?


In Japanese, どれ can mean which in English. But what are the other ways to use “which”? 


Which as a question word


The most famous way to use which is as a question word: 



Which doughnut are you gonna get?



Hey, ask your friend which car is his. 



Do you remember which actress was in “Top Hat?”

どの女優がトップハット "に出演していたか覚えていますか?



A sentence (SV) + which + a verb


You can also make a sentence using [which + a verb]: 



Please choose one of the topics which hasn’t been used already. 



We need a washing machine which can handle large loads of laundry.



Here are some of the posters which didn’t make the cut.



*Note that for these sentences, you can replace which with that but you CANNOT omit them.*



Subject +which + a sentence (SV) + verb


This is another common way we use “which”:



The coat which I bought at Macy’s still looks brand-new.



The ketchup which I gave him turned out to be expired.



The wood which she’s going to use in this project is quite durable.



*Note that for these sentences, you can replace which with that and you CAN omit them completely.*



Subject +which + verb + verb


You can also use [subject + which + (subject + verb) + verb]:



His face, which was tanned and wrinkled, was also somehow handsome.



The weather, which has been terrible this year, is still better than it was last year.



Bats, which are active at night, are another animal associated with Halloween.



*Note that for these sentences, you CANNOT replace which with that, and you CANNOT omit it.*



 A sentence (SV) + which + a sentence (SV)


You can use “which” to make a side comment about your first sentence:



I’m not good at tennis, which you already know.



They’re finally going to complete the bridge, which they’ve been talking about doing for years.



She’s the best employee they’ve got, which is really pretty sad if you think about it.



*You CANNOT replace which with that, and you CANNOT omit it in these sentences* 



Casual usage of “which” in English


I’ve noticed that some Americans use “which” in another way. This is a casual usage (and should never be used in writing!) but you might hear it from time to time.



They’re trying to make themselves look good, which, you know, there’s a really good reason why they’re doing that. 



You’re gonna see people pushing themselves to the limit, which, honestly nowadays people kind of frown on that kind of mindset, but you’ll still see it.



I’ve been working on this painting for about two years which, you know, people will say that at that point you’re just wasting your time, but I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel done to me.




Any questions about how to use “which”? It’s a tricky subject! Feel free to reach out in the comments or try making some example sentences!

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