自主学習の継続で見えてくるもの (The things you would realise with continuous self-study in languages)

Kyoko O.

(I put my English version after the Japanese one, too. Some of the English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese)
目的や自分に合った自主学習を ”毎日または忘れない程度の間隔で継続する” と、学習内容の定着だけでなくいくつか気付きがあると思います。
例 助詞の使い方でいつも戸惑う、他動詞と自動詞を間違えやすい
➁ ①で把握したことについて理解を深める
> 助詞の意味が分からないのか
>> 意味は分かるが、文中で使うときどの助詞がいいのか分からなくなるのか
>>> どんな文型・文中のとき助詞の用法が分かるか/分からないか、
>>>> 意味や用法は分かっているが、迷いや間違いが習慣化してしまっている、など
③ ➁で把握したことを基に、自分の目的や自分に合った学習法を始める
> 助詞の意味や用法を理解する
>> 助詞の用法が分かりづらい文・文型にしぼって学習する
④ ③を生活の中で継続して練習
例 可能であれば
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In language learning, I think there would be a common challenge that many language learners retain the memories they have learned. I often think of it as a Japanese tutor and English learner.
Probably, continuous self-study would be known as one of the ways to the challenge. 
(I cannot say anything about which method is best because it depends on the aim of each learner or whether it suits each learner)
If you do self-study "every day" or "at continuous intervals to be able to maintain the memories", you would probably realise things other than memory retention.
One of the realisations would be that you could understand in which part you are prone to hesitate to use words and often make the same mistakes in the language.
I will think about how we could use and develop the realisation based on my experiences below.
*Please try to think that your realisation is like the compass for your self-study.
① Grasp which part you often hesitate to use or make the mistake of and take notes.
e.g. You hesitate about how to use particles or always get transitive verbs and intransitive verbs mixed up. 
➁ Deepen your understanding of what you grasped in ①.
> Are you wondering if you are not sure of the meaning of each particle?
>> You are sure of each one, but you are unsure which one would be proper in each context.
>>> You feel sure or unsure which particle is more right as you try to use particles.
>>>> Now you feel absolutely sure of the meanings and usages, but the problems are your bad habits, etc.
③ Based on your realisation of ➁, start to learn Japanese following your aim or a way to suit you.
> understanding the meaning of individual particles or the usage
>> learning them while focusing on the uses of particles in the sentences or sentence structures you couldn't understand easily
>>> in the case of bad habits, change them to good ones while practising the particles with different words in the same sentences or sentence structures
④ Continuously practise the things you studied in ③
e.g. if it is possible for you,
・ask native language speakers or teachers/ tutors to check your practices and give you feedback
・try to use what you have learned in text chats or voice chats in a language exchange group or something else
In the repetition of your realisation and corrections about your uncertainties or mistakes through the self-study, I think it is very likely that they would change to the parts you use naturally. 
I never say this works for all learners, but if you are interested, please try using this as a reference.
Thank you so much for your continuous support in 2022.
I hope you all will have a great year.

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