
My favorite book(s)

주간 토픽: Tell us about your favorite book!

Pilar Barrera

What’s my favorite book? Mmm… that’s a tough question. I LOVE books! From fairy tales to biographies, I enjoy many genres and styles. But, if I had to choose two or three, I would probably mention The Hobbit, Little Women, and oooh, children’s books! (I know it is NOT one book…) The thing about children’s books (and fairy tales) is that they deal with deep issues, essential questions and fears. And above all, they value what really matters in life: friendship, family, food, daily life…

If you want to explore literary genres with me, join me in my lesson called “Talking about Books and Stories You Like”. This is a versatile lesson: I have a general version of this lesson in which we discuss different literary genres, or you can book this lesson to discuss any book you like and make it an ongoing lesson in which we talk about the story in detail. I will always prepare a PowerPoint full of images to encourage the discussion.

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