Reaching a milestone


Hello Reader, 

This is a short post that I hope you will find encouraging to read! I just completed my first 10 classes on CafeTalk! This is 10 lessons since I joined in January. What does this mean? I may have had in average 1 - 2 classes a month.

Now is this discouraging? Yes. But will this stop me from hoping? No. This experience has taught me the value of patience and hard work. 

In today's life many people want quick fixes, they want to make money quickly or they want to reach the top with not much effort. But this is the best way to get superficial satisfaction. Through my 7/ 8 months on CafeTalk I have had my frustration, but please remember that quality takes time. Its going to take time for students to trust that you are the right teacher for them, the right teacher that will help them reach their goal. It takes time to advertise yourself and what you can do. But that time is worth it. Taking such time helps you to think of creative ways to make lessons that your student may enjoy. Taking that time, allows you as a teacher too, to mend your teaching skills and adjust them in a way that will benefit your future students. 
Taking that time makes you a stronger teacher because it allows you to build the qualities that you will need to continue teaching into the future. 

Remember we are all students of life, and sometimes life is the teacher and teaches us to wait patiently until its the right time for you. 

I hope that while you wait you continue to grow as a person and learn about yourself.

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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