Inside of my house I like to hang faux spider webs, ghosts and ghouls from the ceiling, as well as placing plastic pumpkins all around my home.
On the outside of my home I like to make things a little more spooky. On the night of Halloween I will set out carved pumpkins, position my life-like scarecrow on the porch, hang some skeletons from the base of the roof, and put on some eerie music.
Now this year, because I have moved to Japan for the next 6 months, I will not have the opportunity to decorated the place I am staying at, which makes my heart sink a little.
This column has made me very happy as I am able to still mentally put up my Halloween decorations for this year.
FAUX (偽物): made in imitation; artificial.
GHOULS (おばけ): an evil spirit or phantom, especially one supposed to rob graves and feed on dead bodies.
LIFE-LIKE (本当に見える): Very similar to a person or thing being represented.

EERIE (怖い): Strange and frightening.
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