horii mitsuru

It's a very common we are interested in other's lives.

I read articles of some famous persons. I got to know they had private problems with them.

I got they also have the same problem like us. 

Why will you think things of other people look better than yours?

I mean the other's lives, possession, and etc.

We Japanese have a proverbe"他人(tanin)の家(ie)の芝生(shibafu)は青(ao)く見(mi)える”: the grass is always greener on the other side.

I have had my own life for a long time now. I have had variety of experiences. But, sometimes a thought emerges in mind that others have easier everyday lives, enogh possessios, higher social postions, and etc. and I'm not satisfied with this reality.

Definitely conditions of lives depend on people, I know.

Why don't we have confidences about our own lives, such that?

Here I want to say we should have confidences of our owns.

Differnce of each life we think is not so big; any millioners or famous persons have their own problems or dissatisfactions.

That is why all of us is a humanbeing.

Everyone is the same.

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