旧正月シリーズ その1:十二支に関係する中国語の語彙

Joy Yuan


Chinese New Year is coming soon and Chinese people in Singapore are already preparing to celebrate. From 10th of Feb onwards, it’ll be the Year of the Dragon. I’m going to share some phrases that are related to this change of zodiac animals.

1)你属什么ni2 shu3 she3 me?  『十二支はなんですか?』 (What’s your zodiac?)

十二支は中国文化にすごく大切なことですから、この質問をこの時期によくされます。旧正月の時期になって、SNSは運、恋愛、健康、仕事に関する干支占いがたくさんあります。シンガポールのモールは人を集まるために干支占いのディスプレーをたくさん出します。だから人々は友達の十二支がよくきになるので、聞かれたら、十二支を答えてあげてください。例えばわたしはいつも“我属羊wo2 shu3 yang2。“と言います。

The 12 zodiac animals are such an important part of Chinese culture so this is quite a common question around this time. Right before Chinese New Year, social media will be full of zodiac predictions about luck, romance, health and career.  Even malls here will put out displays with predictions to attract crowds. This is when people are curious about their friend’s zodiac animal. When asked, you can simply answer with your zodiac, for example I will say “我属羊wo2 shu3 yang2。"


うちの近くモールの干支占い / Zodiac predictions displayed in a mall near my house

2)犯太岁 fan4 tai4 sui4 『神様を怒らせる』 (Offending the Gods)

年の十二支とあなたの十二支によっては、友達に『啊ah4!你今年犯太岁ni3 jing1 nian2 fan4 tai4 sui4。』って言われます。『犯太岁』って、簡単にいうと、『神様を怒らせる』と言う意味です。例えば、十二支が龍、犬、うさぎか牛の人は、今年の運が悪いと言われます。でも心配しないでください。犯太岁の悪い運を下げる方法がたくさんあります。

Depending on the zodiac animal of the year and your zodiac, people might respondah4!你今年犯太岁ni3 jing1 nian2 fan4 tai4 sui4犯太岁basically means that if you’re born in the year of the Dragon, Dog, Rabbit or Ox, you’ll “offend the Gods” this coming year so you’ll be less lucky. But don’t worry, because we believe that there’re many ways to cushion the impact of 犯太岁.

3)冲喜 chong1 xi3  『めでたいことで不運を洗う』  (Washing away bad luck with auspicious events)


means “rinse” here. In Chinese culture, hosting or attending a wedding, moving into a new house or giving birth to a child are all considered very auspicious events. The good luck from these events are said to be strong enough to reduce the negative impact of 犯太岁. Back in 2022 (year of the Tiger), my mom told my dad to attend more weddings because he was born in the year of the Tiger. I don’t think he listened because he faced some pretty bad events that year. 


ちなみに、もっと簡単な解決はお寺に祈ったり、僧侶に儀式をしてもらうことです。中国人と中華系の人は干支占いを信じてますけど、私たちは運が変えれることも信じてます。だからできることをするのは一番大切です。By the way, the easier way to reduce the bad luck of 犯太岁 is simply to go pray at a reputable temple or ask the priests to do a ritual for you. Many Chinese believe in zodiac predictions, but we also believe that we can take action to change our luck. I think it’s more important to focus on what we can do.


专栏文章仅为讲师个人观点,不代表 Cafetalk 立场。

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