2024 年 2 月 4 日
Never Give Up is a motivational book written by John Mason. The author reminds his readers that the...
The Best Compliment I Ever Received
It was on a Sunday afternoon in December. I had just finished writing a class summary, when a noti...
The computer is an incredible teaching tool, and it's one of my favorites. Here are a few reasons w...
Do you have a role model in life?
Having a role model in life is something that can guide and inspire you through tough times, and I’...
今日、「2度目のハタチ」を迎えた私は とても 幸せ です。 心からそう言えます。 もちろん、私にだって悩んで落ち込むことは日々あります。 まだ3歳児くらいの度量と能力しかない私ですから、仕方あ...
How to sound professional on the phone – common telephone conversations and phrases
Speaking on the phone in English can be nerve-racking for English students. Nerve-racking means ca...
Audrey オードリー
How to Improve Listening Comprehension
It was a hot and humid day as I waited for the bus. Sweat rolled down my spine, and the loud whine ...
最近読んだ本の話。私達を取巻く世界には、視覚に頼り訴えるツールが次々と生み出されている。検索するだけで簡単に情報を得、美しい風景にも出会えたりする。 そんな中、本書は、著者が広く視覚障害者の方々と交...
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