Three Measures to Alleviate Hay Fever

주간 토픽: Do you have any tips for allergy season?

Saku Lala(さくら)

I have been struggling with pollen in the spring for a long time; how bad depends on the time of year. I’ve been taking measures to cope with it.

 Three Measures to Alleviate Hay Fever

1: Eat Less Wheat Products

I don’t avoid wheat completely; I actually had spaghetti alla carbonara for lunch today, which was good. I try not to eat a lot. At home, I can substitute rice pasta for wheat pasta in various dishes.


2: Move to a Certain Place Where There's No Allergenic Source

In Japan, for instance, I've heard that Okinawa Prefecture doesn’t have cedar trees, so if you’re allergic to cedar pollen, it might be a good choice for the near future, even if not immediately possible.


3 Healthier Lifestyles

Not only should we take precautions against allergies, but we should also strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you are busy, you’d like to eat good ramen almost every day, and you have a responsibility to keep fit. Doctors could give you medicine or surgery, but they can’t change your habit. Eat well, exercise, and sleep sufficiently. This is what I tell myself!

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