





The Silent Language of Emojis

Emojis, the tiny symbols shaping our digital discourse, possess a dual nature. On one hand, they foster warmth, humor, and empathy, enriching our interactions. Yet, their overuse can dilute genuine emotions, leading to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. While emojis inject vibrancy into our conversations, we must wield them wisely because they overshadow the depth of human expression. 


Nightly Navigations: Mapping Tomorrow's Triumphs

Writing a to-do list before bedtime helps you declutter your mind and set a clear path for the next day. As you drift into dreams, your subconscious aligns with your plans. By visualizing tasks, you alleviate nighttime worries and awaken with purpose. Embrace the power of planning for a restful sleep and a productive dawn.


Balancing Entertainment and Well-being

In the digital age, binge-watching captivates us, but its allure masks potential pitfalls. Bingeable TV shows have plots that keep the viewers glued to the screen and they may keep thinking about what they watched. Research reveals its detrimental impact on sleep quality. Excessive screen time disrupts our natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to insomnia and daytime fatigue.
This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.
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