May Article (5月の話し):Family Pets (8匹の犬を飼っています)!


Hello CafeTalk students and tutors!

This month, I wanted to share a bit about something I love: family pets and animals!
There are many animals that I like, but one of my favorites is dogs. Over the years,
my family has had many dogs. Right now, we have 8 dogs at our house:
1. Pudge
2. Mochi

Pudge and Mochi are siblings from the same litter. They are about 13 years old now.
Since they are elderly pugs, they spend most of the day lounging together. 

3. Appa

Appa is a black pug. She is about 8 years old. My sister bought her from a friend when she lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. 
4. Kuma

Kuma is a mixed Jack Russell Terrier andshe is about 6 years old. She has an energetic personality, but she is very loyal and protective.

5. Pepper

Pepper is also 6 years old. She is a Pitbull/American Bully mix. 
When she was a puppy, she was raised by Pudge and Mochi, so she is gentle and sweet.

6. Bronze

Bronze is about 5 years old. He is an American Bully. People walking along the sidewalk in front of my house love Bronze because he is friendly and adorable.

7. Bessie

Bessie is 3 years old. Her parents are Bronze and Kuma! She was born at the house and had many siblings, but we couldn't keep all of them. Bessie inherited many traits from both of her parents. 
8. Kiwi
The newest member to join the family is Kiwi. She turned
2 years old in January this year. She is a Miniature Dachshund/Miniature Pinchser mix. She has a strong personality, even though she is only 5 lbs! Every night, she can't go to sleep unless she is cuddling with someone.

Kuma and Kiwi are mine, while the rest are my family's dogs. I love all of them very much. It's a lot of work to have this many dogs, but it is worth it to see their happy faces and wagging tails when you wake up in the morning or come home from work at night. 


Do you have pets at home or a favorite animal? Please stop by for a 15-minute Quick Chat Lesson with me and let's have a fun conversation about it!
This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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