跟的三種意義 / Three Meanings of “跟" /「跟」の三つの意味




































Three Meanings of "跟"


In Mandarin, "跟" is a common preposition that conveys three meanings, which can roughly be compared to "To," "With," and "From" in English; if in Japanese, they correspond to 「に」, 「と」, and 「に」 respectively. These three meanings all involve establishing a relationship with another person or thing through "跟." Below, we will introduce the usage and examples for each meaning.


(一)To indicate the object of an action


For example, if a teacher announces a test for the next day to students, we can say "老師跟學生說,明天要考試" (The teacher told the students that there is a test tomorrow), where "學生" (students) after "跟" is the object of the action. Here are two more examples to understand the first meaning of "跟":


Example 1: 田中跟同學介紹了日本的傳統文化 (Tanaka introduced traditional Japanese culture to his classmates) - Tanaka gēn tóngxué jièshàole rìběn de chuántǒng wénhuà.

Example 2: 華語中心主任跟王老師說明了工作內容 (The director of the Mandarin center explained the job content to Teacher Wang) - Huáyǔ zhōngxīn zhǔrèn gēn Wáng lǎoshī shuōmíng le gōngzuò nèiróng.


(二)To indicate doing something together


Unlike (一), which indicates the object of an action, (二) is used to indicate doing an action together, such as in "小明「跟」小華正在踢足球" (Xiaoming and Xiaohua are playing soccer together). Here are two more examples to clarify this usage of "跟":


Example 1: 上週末,我跟小美一起去看電影 (Last weekend, I went to see a movie with Xiaomei) - Shàng zhōumò, wǒ gēn Xiǎo Měi yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng.

Example 2: 田中要跟家人一起搬去美國了 (Tanaka is moving to the US with his family) - Tiánzhōng yào gēn jiārén yīqǐ bān qù měiguóle.


(三)To indicate receiving something from someone


For example, if Lee teaches me calligraphy, I can say "我「跟」李老師學書法" (I learn calligraphy from Mr. Lee), where I receive the ability to write calligraphy from Mr. Lee. Here are two examples to better understand this usage and how it differs from (一):


Example 1: 阿華打算跟那家小吃店的老闆學做包子 (Ah Hua plans to learn how to make buns from the owner of the snack shop) - Āhuá dǎsuàn gēn nà jiā xiǎochīdiàn de lǎobǎn xué zuò bāozi.

Example 2: 有個朋友要跟我買我的舊機車 (A friend wants to buy my old motorcycle) - Yǒu gè péngyǒu yào gēn wǒ mǎi wǒ de jiù jīchē.


Lastly, in Taiwanese Mandarin, the "跟" in usage (二) can be interchanged with "和." For example, "上週末,我和小美一起去看電影" (Last weekend, I went to see a movie with Xiaomei) is also correct.










中国語における「跟」はよく使われる前置詞で、「に」「と」「に」という三つの意味を持っています。それぞれ英語では"To," "With," "From"に、日本語では「に」「と」「に」に対応します。これらの意味はすべて、「跟」を使って他の人や物と関係を築くことを表します。以下、それぞれの意味と使用例を紹介します。






例句一:田中跟同學介紹了日本的傳統文化 (Tanaka gēn tóngxué jièshàole Rìběn de chuántǒng wénhuà) 田中がクラスメートに日本の伝統文化を紹介した。

例句二:華語中心主任跟王老師說明了工作內容 (Huáyǔ zhōngxīn zhǔrèn gēn Wáng lǎoshī shuōmíngle gōngzuò nèiróng) 中国語センターの主任が王教師に仕事内容を説明した。






例句一:上週末,我跟小美一起去看電影 (Shàng zhōumò, wǒ gēn Xiǎo Měi yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng) 先週末、私は小美と一緒に映画を見に行った。

例句二:田中要跟家人一起搬去美國了 (Tiánzhōng yào gēn jiārén yīqǐ bān qù Měiguóle) 田中が家族と一緒にアメリカに引っ越すことになった。






例句一:阿華打算跟那家小吃店的老闆學做包子。 (Āhuá dǎsuàn gēn nà jiā xiǎochīdiàn de lǎobǎn xué zuò bāozi) 阿華はそのスナックバーの店主から包子の作り方を学ぼうと考えている。

例句二:有個朋友要跟我買我的舊機車。 (Yǒu gè péngyǒu yào gēn wǒ mǎi wǒ de jiù jīchē) 友人が私の古いバイクを買おうとしている。




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