Giving Your Opinion in English 英語で意見を述べる方法

Vicky B

image: Image by Joseph Mucira from Pixabay

In English it’s important to give your opinion clearly and directly.


This is important in various English tests such as TOEFL, EiKen and IELTS. It’s also very important in business meetings.



Here are some tactics you can use to make your opinions clear to native speakers.


1) opinion, reason, opinion 意見、理由、意見

Say your opinion first. If you give a really long reason first, native speakers might not understand you and may stop listening.



Give your opinion. Then give the reason. Then say your opinion again.


Example: 例

Question: 質問

“Where do you think we should locate the new branch office? We can choose between Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa.”



Answer: 答え

“I think we should locate it in Osaka. Tokyo is convenient but the rent is very expensive. Okinawa is cheaper, but it’s not so convenient. So I think Osaka.”




2) Give real-world examples 実例を挙げましょう

This makes your opinion stronger because it makes it look like you know what you’re talking about.




Example:  例

Question: 質問

“Where do you think we should locate the new branch office? We can choose between Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa.”



Answer: 答え

“I think we should locate it in Osaka. My brother’s company is located in Osaka. It’s a convenient, central location and the rent isn’t too high. So I think Osaka.”



3) It’s ok to give a mixed opinion 賛否両論あってもいいです

It’s ok to give a mixed opinion, as long as you’re clear.




Example:  例

Question: 質問

“Where do you think we should locate the new branch office? We can choose between Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa.”



Answer: 答え

“I’m not sure. On one hand I think Tokyo because it’s very close to many other businesses, but on the other hand I think Osaka because it’s cheaper.”




“On one hand .......... but on the other hand..........” is a very useful phrase.


“On one hand .......... but on the other hand..........” はとても便利なフレーズです。



Do you need to give opinions clearly in English? If so, why not take my “Giving Your Opinion” lesson?



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