What is your favorite quote?

주간 토픽: What is your favorite quotes and sayings? What is the meaning of it, and why do you like it?

Svitlana Deikalo

What is your favorite quote?
How do you define success for yourself? Does it mean to be rich, famous and influential or just to What doyou love and realize your full potential? Whatever your answer, it is worth admitting: everyone wants to be successful in life. But sometimes we lack the motivation to keep moving towards our goals. In such situations, you can find inspiration in the quotes of famous people who are examples of success and role models for many.
To help motivate you, we've compiled a list of 50 powerful success quotes. We believe that at least one of them will definitely ignite your desire to make your dreams come true. So keep reading!

"Success is the ability to step from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm." — Winston Churchill

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